Download Hobbit House - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Hobbit House
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1386 - Published at: 5 years ago


This is a recreation of a hobbit house, remember that the hobbits are anthropomorphic beings (that have human form) but smaller than people, that is why their houses also have a small size, that is, they are houses with little height and of small size. According to Tolkien’s description, these are houses half-buried in the earth, with rounded walls, windows and doors and whose roof is covered with earth and grass. Download this map and explore this small but great hobbit house.

 (shaders not included)

Wesite: © Cubitos MC

 Twitter: @ZOROslender


Click on the letters that say "Download.Mcworld" then wait 5 seconds and skip the ads, then continue until the mediafire link appears. When you download the file you will only click and it will automatically open and export in Minecraft. (of not being able to open the file, I recommend downloading the file explorer (Es File Explorer) available in the play store.

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