Download Herix Deathrun! - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Herix Deathrun!
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1024 - Published at: 5 years ago


Herix Deathrun is a deathrun which was inspired by Cizzorz Deathrun! The name Herix comes from the best MCPE YT clan (Herix Clan). There are 5 levels some are hard and some are very easy! Herix clan was actually 2 of the best clans in the MCPE YT Clan community, both of the clans were called Hero and Cinix soon the owners of it PigmenMC (Owner of Hero Clan) and Bryant Vidals (Owner of Cinix Clan) decided to merge the clans to an even bigger clan which is now called Herix!


It's a MC.WORLD file so all you have to do is press/ click on it when it's done downloading and it will take you straight to Minecraft where it will be imported,
Download Link:


