Download HALOCUBE Wars Beta Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: HALOCUBE Wars Beta Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1831 - Published at: 5 years ago


This addon created to feel more deeply about Another world of minecraft with Outer Space theme. But theres nothing special if you exploring the world of Minecraft without something new added to the game.

Now i introduce you my new idea “HALOCUBE Wars”…


Travel your Minecraft world with the new unique Biome that designed to make you feeling in another planet

All blocks will shown with another color

Not just the blocks. The water, lava, and fire has been changed too.

The water color will shown another color in different biome.

Eight new entites known as HALO Suits have been added to the game. You can play with your friends and fighting each other with FPS Style.

The entities it self will not moving like AI.

They’re just like robot suit that you can ride to make it moving.

To summon the Halo Suit without using egg spawner or Creative mode.

You can type this function on Chat Box


/summon rw:green

Then the Green Halo Suit will summoned

How to ride:

If you want to ride the HALO Suit, you must equiped with “Halo Suit Connector” on your hand.

Then the Ride Button will appear.

You can get Halo Suit Connector with this command

/give @p rw:connector

But if you want to ride the HALO Suit with your bare hand or without Halo Suit Connector on your hand. The Ride button will not appear.

This is when you successfully riding the Halo Suit.


Also crafting recipe system have been added to this addon. To make the people who want to play this addon with survival mode.

Since this addon still in Beta, theres not too much features added to the addon.


  • Add new blocks with Outer Space or Alien theme
  • Add new Entities with Outer Space , Alien and Halo Wars theme
  • Add new Fighting style like Halo Suit with Sword


  • If you found the bug or problem with the addon. Before you post any complaining comment about the addon. Try to activate the “Experimental Gameplay Option” in setting.
  • *You’re not allowed to share and distribute this addon to another website
  • *You’re allowed to share this addon On Video platform like YouTube with backlink to:
  • This Addon Page on MCPEDL
  • My Youtube Profile “Team Tolol”
  • *You’re not allowed to Modify this addon and share it without my permission


Installation details:

  • Download Behavior & Resources mcpack file
  • Install them by click/tap them
  • Minecraft will opened automatically and wait the Mcpack installed

Follow this step to install the MCAddon

  • Install the mcaddon by clicking or tap the file
  • Select minecraft
  • Wait till the Resources pack and the behavior pack installed


