Download Hades Monsters V1 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Hades Monsters V1
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1616 - Published at: 4 years ago


The black cloud of Hades covered our golden star, And his minions soar like dogs in search of water.

This Add-on brings 7 powerful swords and some with abilities, that will help you fight against the nauseating dogs of hades, There are also allied monsters that will help you fight, and altars that will give you potion effects and special things.

IMPORTANT: The Add-on only works if Experimental Mode, Resource Pack and Berhaviour Pack are active.

It must also be said that the addon is incompatible with others, the mobs will be there but the objects it adds will not work.

The objects that this Add-on brings you cannot get in the creative’s inventory, if you want to obtain them use /give @s hadesitems:

My discord:

Let’s start with how to classify the mobs that you will find in your adventure.

you’ll find:




Now yes, let’s start.

Forest keeper:

Health – 24

Attack damage – 4

Type = Ally

Special – “”

Spawn – Grass block / Day-Night


-Forest keeper: Human, I would give my life for the forest thousands of times

-Human: What do you mean thousands of times?

-Forest keeper: On that day of my death I will reincarnate in a trunk full of life, and I will fight again for the forest.

Forest terror:

Health – 34

Attack damage – 6

Type – Ally

Special – “”

Spawn – Grass block / Day-Night


Forest terror: I died 3 times yesterday, 2 times for a Pandora and another because Lord Artur crushed me.

Human: Would you like to do other things than defend your forest?

Forest terror: Mmm no.

Human: Ok?


Health – 100

Attack damage – 6

Attack effect – Blindness 10 Sec

Type – Neutro-Hostile

Special – “”

Spawn – Everywhere / Night

Description: They say that behind its storm of colored pearls there is a Pandora’s box, the people who could open it found unique weapons, and others who found the truth behind the black cloud of hades.


Health – 60

Attack damage – 4

Attack effect – Poison 10 Sec

Type – Neutro-Hostile

Special – “”

Spawn – Everywhere / Night

Description: Very relaxing and fantastic sounds are heard inside it, but it is nothing more than a mask that covers how dangerous Pandorum can be.

Lord Artur:

Health – 700

Attack damage – 10

Type – Hostile

Special – Summons “Lord artur altar”

Spawn – Everywhere / Day-Night

Description: “Lord Artur”, the lord of the 76 armors, he had his army of 10,000 soldiers, but after making a pact with Hades, he was banished from “Temporia” His homeland.

Lord Artur: Boy, there is nothing more painful than fighting and giving your life for a society and then being exiled and forgotten.

Lord Artur minion: But why?

Lord Artur: The truth remains in my soul, and I prefer to keep it …


Health – 40

Attack damage – 5

Type – Hostile

Special – “”

Spawn – Stone block / Day-Night

Description: Before he was a blaze but one day he went through a portal, suddenly he lost some of his rods, he was turning off and getting small and sadly he was like a stone blaze.

Stone elemental:

Health – 200

Attack damage – 10

Type – Hostile

Special – “”

Spawn – Stone block / Day-Night

Description: Be careful not to hit your little toe or you will discover that it is pain.

Living pyramid:

Health – 60

Attack damage – 6

Type – Hostile

Special – “”

Spawn – Sand block / Day-Night

Description: Be careful not to step on it or it will eat your whole foot, it camouflages very well, do not underestimate it

Sand storm:

Health – 200

Attack damage – 10

Type – Hostile

Special – “”

Spawn – Sand block / Day-Night


Human: Have you ever swallowed your own sand?

Sand storm: What kind of question is that? I always close my mouth, useless human.

Human: Inutil tu papa

Sand storm: What?

Human: Nothing

Desert demon:

Health – 40

Attack damage – 8

Type – Hostile

Special – Can fly

Spawn – Sand block / Night

Description: This monster stays at night to stalk the weakest souls, be careful.

Living strange stone:

Health – 80

Attack damage – 8

Type – Ally

Special – “”

Spawn – Sand block / Day-Night

Description: Inside this scribbled rock, it contains ancestors from the third plane.


Health – 60

Attack damage – 6

Type – Ally

Special – “”

Spawn – Everywher / Day-Night

Description: Exophilum: Kuantrym tygrantelom

Human: what?

Green prism:

Health – ???

Attack damage – ???

Type – ???

Special – Applies in a radius of 5 -Nausea – Wither 2 – Slowness 3 – Blindness

Spawn – Grass block / Day-Night

Description: Forest keeper: See that human?

Human: Yes, what is it?

Forest keeper: That’s the Green Prism, the only people who came near to see it died. human: why?

Forest keeper: I don’t know, but I’m just telling you that nature isn’t perfect.

Now we will see the altars.

Altars are small monuments that can give you potion effects, some can be good and some bad, and some have special things.

They can be obtained if you break them, but you won’t always get one.

To be able to place them, just hold down the screen if you play on mobile, and if they play on pc, just right click.

Forest heart:

Health – 100

The Forest heart altar invokes Forest keeper permanently every certain amount of time, it should be noted that the monsters will attack it so protect it.

May take 45-60 seconds to invoke – Forest keeper

The Heart of the Forest can only be summoned by a Green Prism.

It can be obtained by destroying the Green Prism, it will not be an easy job.

Lightning altar:

Health – 100

The Lightning altar was made by Zeus, nobody knows why but we know he did it.

From time to time summon lightning, but not forever, as it hurts itself. You can also get it if you break it, but remember that you won’t always get it.

Lord artur altar:

Health – 50

He is invoked by Lord Artur himself. Every so often Lord Artur will invoke minions, it will also slow down everyone who is not Lord Artur and his minions. It will also empower Lord Artur with Strength, Speed ​​and Resistance.

May take 8-10 seconds to invoke – Lord artur minion

Sol altar:

Health – 100

The Sol altar can be obtained with a Sol symbol. This altar serves to invoke the ancestor Sol in a certain amount of time.

May take 60-105 seconds to invoke – Sol

Special mobs:

Ancestors can be summoned with a Strange symbol. Can be obtained if a Living strange stone dies.


Health – 50

Attack damage – 8

Attack effect – Wither 5 Sec

Type – Ally

Special – Can fly

Spawn – Strange symbol / Item

Description: Sol: Human, from the day of your birth you fight against life, and when the flag of victory is raised, it is because you fulfilled your dreams.


Heath – 100

Attack damage – 8

Attack effect – Slowness 5 sec

Type – Ally

Special – “”

Spawn – Strange symbol / Item

Description: He watches his enemy all the time, and knows when to attack.


Health – 100

Attack damage – 8

Attack effect – Weakness 5 Sec

Special – “”

Spawn – Strange symbol / Item

Description: The intellect of this being surpasses that of any living being.


There are a lot of objects that will help you survive in this dangerous world, that includes Swords, Summons and altars.

The Grass sword can be obtained by a Green prism, sometimes it can give it to you.

The Lord Artur sword is obtained by assassinating Lord Artur but it is not an easy job at all, because there is a low probability that he can give you that sword.

The forest keeper heart can be obtained from the death of a Forest keeper or a Forest terror, with low probability.

If you use it you will summon 4 Forest keepers that will help you a lot.

The Pandora box is used to obtain special swords and among other common objects.

Obtained by killing Pandora or Pandorum.

The Sol symbol is obtained from the death of the ancestor Sol, but with a very low probability.


To download the addon, just touch the download link and it will take you to the download page, when you have it downloaded just open the file with minecraft and it will be installed automatically.


