Download GS | MC Miners - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: GS | MC Miners
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1191 - Published at: 4 years ago


Welcome to our new map – MC Miners!

This map is a fun little map similar to the Prison games but we made our own unique.

In this the differences are that instead of a huge mine that takes forever to mine out and then you wait for it to reset, etc we have made it so it’s one infinite block. Simple, but a lot of effort and time.

There are many amazing stuff such as Mine unlocks, A bank with a deposit and withdraw option so that you can trade with your friends and a simple sell block that you stand on and it sells the block in your inventory one by one, a shop with a enchanter, rankups and a pickaxe ‘n’ axes shop.

HINT: To start off your going to need to head to the shop to get a free axe

Enjoy playing guys! This map took forever to make and that’s why we haven’t released a map for ages!

GalacticStudios | MC Miners is a fun little map where you can mine a single block and sell it at the bank to get money for getting rank-ups and buying items and enchantments at the shop.
The map is still updating and will update every now and then with new features to come!



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1) Click the Download Map link

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4) You will be redirected to the media-fire download site after that

Enjoy playing :) 


