Download Grind 16x PvP Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Grind 16x PvP Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1171 - Published at: 4 years ago


Grind 16x PvP pack is a Blue-Gold themed texture pack , diamonds are now darker and has gold textures on them . This texture pack also has bow indicators , custom crosshair , clean and clear ui , java style main menu , and alot more cool features that would make you want to Grind more in PvP!

Grind 16x Textures and Changes:

(better grass and clear water)

The Texture Pack Has 2 subpacks:

1.Default Subpack

– Dark Background on Inventory Screens.

2. Fast GUI Subpack

– Removed Dark Backgrounds on Inventory Screens.

Other Features:

1. Full Bright ( Delete the Shaders folder if your world is invisible )

2. No White Circle Touch

3. PvP Style Shovels

4. Custom Emote Wheel

5. Simple Break Animation



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( Follow the instructions of linkvertise and it will redirect you to MediaFire)

1. Download the pack

2. Go to downloads

3. Tap on the file and open with minecraft

4. Enjoy!


