This is the “Gingerbread Town” world and texture pack from SpaffitCraftDesigns,
it is completely based off Christmas with some cool textures to match. This map is best to be played with the included texture pack otherwise it would look a bit odd. More below
This map includes:
Giant Candy canes
Ginger Bread Houses
A Giant Christmas Tree
Some Normal Christmas Trees
Some Little Candy Canes
Some Little Snowmen
Some Big Snowmen
This Texture Pack Includes:
Presents (they replace some glazed terracotta)
Gingerbread Blocks (they replace spruce planks) here
Christmas Lights (they replace some trapdoors)
0.13.2 Seeds 0.15.0+ Seeds Custom Terrain Maps Adventure Maps 1.5+ Seeds Massive Cavern 0.14.1 Seeds Redstone Maps Minigame Maps Overhang Seed