Download Gaming Addon v3 Fandom Update! - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Gaming Addon v3 Fandom Update!
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1859 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hello! This is my first addon.This addon adds 17 not placeable gaming items. I created this addon because i like gaming. Here are many gaming items from PlayStation 3 to Television. This addon are created in Minecraft Addons Maker application.  Sorry for bad language, i am from Czech Republic. Enjoy this addon!

Note: Tested on Minecraft 1.16.200

This addon adds real! gaming items such as console or mobile phone and videogames. All of these items are not to be placed. Some items are in inventory.Not all! Note: Crafting Recipes are not from Java Edition it is Minecraft PE

How to give them?

You can give all items using command /give @s gg:

One photo of all items:

Inventory photos(not all items):

First is starting items:



This is not an plastic bottle, this is plastic as mineral. It will be use for crafting a DVD.


This is classic dvd. Create it to create videogame for console. 

Game Inside(Code):

This is the game code. Without it you dont create a videogame.



I will change this crafting recipe.

Crafting recipe: 4x iron ingot, 1x cobblestone


It will be edited too.

Crafting: 8x Plastic

Game Inside:

Yes, there will be edited.

Crafting: 2x DVD

Second is PlayStation 3 items.(PlayStation 4 in new update) I created it to two parts:

Part one:


Samsung 4K UHD TV:

This is normal television. I create the Samsung TV beacouse i like samsung. In the new update, i create an LG television. The Television are not placeable!

PlayStation 3:

This is a very popular videogame console. Many people have this console in home. It is also not placeable. In the new update i create the PlayStation 4!👍

PlayStation 3 Black Controller:

This is an classic PS3 Controller. It will be not to use. 

PlayStation 3 Blue Controller:

Classic controller with blue color.

PlayStation 3 Red Controller:

Classic controller with red color.


Samsung 4k UHD TV(i create new crafting recipe in the new update):

Crafting: 6x Black Wool, 1x Glass Pane

PlayStation 3:

This is very expensive crafting recipe😂.

Crafting: 4x netherite ingot, 1x Plastic

PS3 Black Controller:

Crafting: 4x Plastic, 1x Black Wool

PS3 Blue Controller:

Crafting: 4x Plastic, 1x Blue Wool

PS3 Red Controller:

Crafting: 4x Plastic, 1x Red Wool

Part two:

In the part two is four popular videogames.


Need for Speed Hot Pursuit:

This is racing videogame, from the Need for Speed (NFS) series. It is only for decoration, and it is not placeable. In the game is the name shorted.

Need for Speed Shift:

It is racing videogame, similar to Hot Pursuit. It is also for decoration, and also not placeable.


There will be not comment.🤣🤣🤣

Crash Bandicoot 2:

This is videogame, from the Crash Bandicoot series.


PS3 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit:

It will be edited.

Crafting: 2x DVD, 1x Game Inside

PS3 Need for Speed Shift:

Crafting: 1x NFS Hot Pursuit, 1x DVD, 1x Game Inside

PS3 Minecraft:

Crafting: 1x NFS Shift, 1x DVD, 1x Game Inside

PS3 Crash Bandicoot 2:

Crafting: 1x PS3 Minecraft, 1x DVD, 1x Game Inside

And the Mobile Gaming Items:


Android 10 Operating System:

This is mobile operating system. Whitout it you doesn’t craft a mobile phone.

Samsung Galaxy A70:

The mobile phone. I have it.😁

Samsung Galaxy A70 Purple Cover:

It is to cover the Samsung Galaxy A70. Others will be added. It will be added Samsung Galaxy A70 with this cover.

Minecraft Pocket Edition:

Minecraft for mobile phone. No comment.😆

Pokemon GO: 

Popular mobile videogame, where are you catching pokemons.


Android 10 OS:

It will be edited.

Crafting: 4x String, 1x Game Inside

Samsung Galaxy A70:

There will be edited too.

Crafting: 8x Plastic, 1x Android 10 Operating System

Samsung A70 Cover:

3x Plastic

Pokemon Go:

Crafting: 2x Android 10 Operating System, 1x Game Inside

Minecraft PE:

Crafting: 1x Pokemon Go, 1x Game Inside, 1x Android 10 Operating System

And its all! Please wait for update. Thank you and enjoy this addon.

V2 Update

This is tiny update with ore, ingot and block. These items are called “gaming”. These items are same to normal ores.

Gaming Ore:

This is new ore!

Can be found at Y1-16.

They don’t have crafting recipe.

Gaming Ingot:

This is ingot of the new ore.


It can be smelted.

Gaming Block:

This block of the new ingot.

It has a normal crafting.

Update v3

This update adds 7 new items. These items are for this addon fans.

Safari Black Laptop

This is classic laptop.

The laptop is placeable!

You can sit on the laptop. I don’t now why would you do that.🤣

And the laptop have inventory!

Gaming Television

This really normal television.

You can place the television.

You can sit on the television.

Apple AirPods Pro

You can put it on head.

Knockback resistance: 0.1

Defend: 3


Silver Headphones:

You can put it on head.

Knockback resistance: 0.3

Defend: 2


PS3 Pokemon Black version

This is not real videogame. This is only texture.


Gaming Sword

Durability: 20580

Damage: 14


Gaming Sword 2

It is extended version to first sword.

Durability: 20590

Damage: 20

And it is all! Wait for new updates. Thank you!


Step 1: Download it.

Step 2: Open it.

Step 3:Create a new world with this addon.

Step 4: Enjoy it!


