Download Game Polish 2.1.0 (Vanilla+) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Game Polish 2.1.0 (Vanilla+)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1284 - Published at: 5 years ago


This addon is for those who think that Minecraft is lacking some parts, but want to keep the game mostly vanilla. I felt that way too, so  I made 200+ changes involving crafting recipes (like converting slabs to blocks), loot tables (like the dragon dropping an elytra), and stack sizes without adding a single new block or item! (Experimental Features Required)

Where to start!

Anything changed will be in bold like this. Also check the changelog.

New Recipes

1 – 34. All slabs can be crafted back into a whole block. Place 2 slabs in a pressure plate shape. [shaped]

35 – 65. All stairs can be crafted back into whole blocks. Place 4 stairs in a 2 x 2 square for 3 whole blocks [shaped]

66 -71. All wooden trapdoors can be crafted back into 3 whole blocks [shapeless]

72 – 77. All stripped logs can be crafted back into 1 un-stripped log [shapeless]

78. Craft 8 logs of any type into 4 chests [shaped]

79. Craft 2 shulker shells and 2 logs of any type into 1 shulker box  [shaped]

80. Craft 4 wild berries into 1 red dye [shapeless]

81. Craft 1 saddle into 3 leather [shapeless]

82. Craft 3 leather and 2 iron nuggets into 1 saddle [shaped]

83. Craft 2 iron blocks, 3 iron ingots, and 1 leather into 1 iron horse armor [shaped]

84. Craft 2 gold blocks, 3 gold ingots, and 1 leather into 1 gold horse armor [shaped]

85. Craft 2 diamond blocks, 3 diamonds, and 1 gold ingot into 1 diamond horse armor [shaped]

86. Craft 1 wool into 4 string [shapeless]

87. Craft 3 carpets of any color into 2 white wool [shapeless]

88. Craft 8 similar glass panes into 3 glass blocks of the same color [shapeless]

89. Craft 2 paper, 2 iron nuggets, and 1 string into 1 nametag [shaped]

90. Craft 4 gravel into 1 cobblestone [shapeless]

91. Craft 1 gravel into 1 flint in a stonecutter

92. Craft 1 flint and 1 charcoal into 1 gunpowder [shapeless]

93. Craft 4 iron blocks, 4 nether stars, and 1 dragon egg into a mob spawner [shaped]

94. Craft 1 melon into 6 melon slices in a stonecutter

95. Craft 4 sugar, 4 green dye, and 1 water bottle into 1 slimeball [shaped]

96. Craft 8 redstone dust and 1 blaze powder into 16 glowstone dust [shapeless]

97. Craft 1 block of any type of quartz into 4 nether quartz in a stonecutter

98. Craft 2 blaze powder and 1 stick into 1 blaze rod [shapeless]

99 – 102. Craft 1 fish and 1 water bucket into 1 bucket of the fish [shapeless]

103. Craft 8 snow and 1 water bucket into 1 ice + an empty bucket [shaped]

104. Craft 5 gold ingots into 1 minecart [shaped]

105. Craft 5 iron and 2 logs of any type into 1 hopper  [shaped]

106. Craft 4 wool, 4 live coral, and 1 empty bucket into 1 sponge [shaped]

107 – 109. Craft 2 bamboo and 1 charcoal, or 1 coal, or 1 redstone dust into 4 torches or 1 redstone torch respectively [shapeless]

110. Craft 7 cobblestone, 1 string, and 1 redstone dust into 1 dispenser (this wont appear ingame, you must do it yourself) [shaped]

111. Craft 2 slowfalling potions, 1 saddle, 1 ghast tear, 1 string, and 4 phantom membranes into 1 elytra [shaped]

112. Craft 8 gold blocks and 1 gold apple into 1 Notch apple [shaped]

113. Craft 3 redstone dust, 2 sticks, and 3 stone into 1 repeater [shaped]

114. Craft 1 nautillus shell into 32 prismarine shards [shapeless]

115. Craft 3 iron swords, 1 diamond, and 1 heart of the sea into 1 trident [shaped]

116. Craft 1 blue ice into 9 packed ice [shapeless]

117. Craft 1 packed ice into 9 ice [shapeless]

118 – 123. Craft 4 leaves of the same type into 1 sapling [shapeless]

124. Craft 2 sticks, 2 gold ingots, and 4 stone into 1 bell [shaped]

125. Craft 1 crafting table into 8 sticks [shapeless]

126. Craft 8 stone and 1 blaze powder into 16 netherrack [shapeless]

127. Craft 1 blaze powder, 4 netherrack, and 4 bones into 4 soul sand [shapeless]


128. Craft 2 logs of any type into 16 sticks  [shaped]

129. Craft 9 string into 1 cobweb [shapeless]

130. Craft 1 prismarine into 4 prismarine shards in a stonecutter

131. Craft 1 dark prismarine into 8 prismarine shards in a stonecutter

132. Craft 1 prismarine bricks into 9 prismarine shards in a stonecutter

133 – 134. Craft 1 sand or 1 red sand into 1 flint in a stonecutter

135. Craft 1 nether wart block into 9 nether wart [shapeless]

136. Craft 6 logs of the same type into 8 trapdoors of the same type [shaped]

137. Craft 8 sand and 1 red dye into 8 red sand [shaped]

138. Craft 8 of any color of [concrete powder, concrete, wool, carpets, terracotta, stained glass, or stained glass panes] with 1 dye into 8 blocks of your choice with the same color (its hard to explain) [shapeless]


1. Smelt 1 glass bottle into 1 clear glass block

2. Smelt 1 rotten flesh into 1 leather

3. Smelt 1 sand into 1 glass in a blast furnace

4 – 5. Smelt 1 magma into 1 magma cream in a furnace OR blast furnace

6. Smelt 1 cobblestone into 1 stone in a blast furnace

7. Smelt 1 stone into 1 smooth stone in a blast furnace

8. Smelt 1 sugarcane into 1 lime dye in a smoker

Stack Sizes

1 – 3.. All potions stack to 64 (Please Note! Do not attempt to brew potions with stack sizes more than 1. The game will automatically shrink it down to 1 potion per slot!)

4. Eggs stack to 64

5. Enderpearls stack to 64

6. Snowballs stack to 64

7. Saddles stack to 16

8 – 11. All minecarts obtainable in survival stack to 16

12. Totems of undying stack to 16 (NOTE: All totems in a stack will be consumed upon use)

13 – 16. All horse armor stacks to 16

17 – 27 All records stack to 16

28. Book and quills stack to 64

31 – 36. All boats stack to 16

Loot Tables

1. Ender Dragon drops 1 elytra upon death from a player

2. Shulkers drop 2 shells upon death

3. Zombies, skeletons, and creepers have the same chance as a wither skeleton at dropping a head

4. Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders, and Creepers have a chance of having their spawn eggs in dungeon chests or mineshaft chests

5. Husk spawn eggs can spawn in desert temples

6. Stray spawn eggs can spawn in igloos

7. Endermen and Silverfish spawn eggs can spawn in end city chests, or stronghold chests

8. Drowned spawn eggs can spawn in shipwreck treasure

9. Sheep, Pig, Chicken, and Cow spawn eggs can spawn in a butchers chest

10. Sheep and Wolf eggs can spawn in a shepards chest

11. Cow and Mooshroom spawn eggs can spawn in a tannery chest


1. Right clicking a slime while holding sugar will turn it into 1 slime ball [20 sec cooldown]

2. Right clicking a magma cube while holding a slimeball turns it into 1 magma cream [20 sec cooldown]

Check out my 1.14 beta add-on!

By downloading this pack you agree you will NOT claim this pack as your own, you will NOT distribute this pack with your own link, and you WILL credit me with this MCPEDL link.

Contact me for issues through discord at Bunshaman#8206 and check out my other packs



If your version ingame says 1.2.0 after downloading, or you are getting an "import failed. duplicate pack detected." Please try these steps

  1. Open Minecraft
  2. Open settings
  3. Click "storage"
  4. Click "behavior packs"
  5. Click "Game Polish"
  6. Click the trashcan to delete it
  7. Retry the download (Current version is 2.0.0

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