Download Fused Vanilla Shader VDark - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Fused Vanilla Shader VDark
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1947 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is a separate version of my fused vanilla shaders. It has all the features the VLight one has but also new ones like saturated colors, better water, stars etc. This shader is only recommended when you want to stay close to vanilla while still want some shader features. It is also pretty FPS friendly.

Credit  DOALThis is a pretty SIMPLE shader and there isn’t much of a lighting difference when compared to vanilla. It is still in progress and there is room for some improvements.This shader has pretty much all the things basic shaders have like:

– Waving Leaves

– Waving water

– Saturated and not too bright colours

– Saturated and yellowish torch lighting

– Realistic and moving Sky

– Realistic sun and moon

– Increase in number of stars with twinkling animations.

– Animated Flowers

– Animated Crops

– Animated other plants like lily pad and saplings

– Better and clean water

– Shadows (OPTIONAL)


Here are some pictures

Day time:


(The world gets a yellow tune)

Night time:

(Stars, for now, only work on mobile, will add to win 10 soon)




For waving animations and more , kindly see the video:

As you can see there are not that drastic changes , just some good ones to make the game more beautiful yet still staying pretty simple.


I used ESBE 1G as a template but only for the renderchunk.fragment(only 1file) and still most of the code IS mine. I have recieved permission from the administrator of ESBE1G  :

Credits to NARI for giving me permission. His channel!

All the flipbook animations are made by me and so is the rest of coding and stuff. The creator of the cubemap is HYBRED, credits to him for letting me use it. Check out his channel!

There is a BUG in current version of minecraft that when texture packs are applied to new worlds dont work. To fix it simply remove the pack GO BACK and apply it again. It will work.
You are not allowed to publish this shader with/without any changes without my permission.IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A VIDEO WITH/ABOUT THE SHADER THEN GIVE LINK TO THIS PAGE NOT DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK. You are also not allowed to publish it on any other website or app. If you want to use something , you need my permission so contact me on discord.

The animations for flowers,crops and other plants except leaves and grasses are FLIPBOOK ANIMATIONS and hence will not work with other texture packs when they are placed above this one.
This shader will work perfectly fine on Low end devices with 2gb ram , might also work on 1gb but I didn’t try.
For more information or just have questions or want the direct download link, then contact me on discord:
Ahmad Ramzan#9525
It might take me a while for me to reply.


When you click on the link you will be redirected to linkgenie, from there just follow the steps then you will be redirected to adfly. First wait for 5 sec then click SKIP AD do not click allow or enable notifications. If a page other then adfly opens, close it and go to page with adfly picture. Then a pop up will keep coming saying allow notifications, CLICK BLOCK OR DENY. DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING ELSE. It will come a couple times and page will refresh a couple times and you will be redirected to Meadia fire from there just Download it and open it, it will import to your minecraft automatically.


