Download Frozen Flat (Map Template) - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Frozen Flat (Map Template)
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 779 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hi this is my second map, this map contains the creation of an igloo village and a huge snowy world which can be used to build your creations on empty land. I call the world “Frozen Flat”

 If you don’t like my igloo village you can move to plain unused land. Moreover, this world size is less than 1MB, interested?

Well you will appear in the middle of my village, there are igloos, pine trees and potato fields. You can also use this world as your map template but please give credit if it is published. the main purpose of this map is as a template for other maps, for example you can build castles, and the biomes on this map are frozen taiga

This is the picture:

Actually the world is more big than the picture, Free To Use


  1. Download Mcworld (No Hyperlink)
  2. Click file and it will automatic import
  3. If the world failed to import, try change the file .mcworld into .zip and extract the file
  4. Enjoy The Map


