Download Flower Pot - Items
MC: Flower Pot
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 852 - Published at: 5 years ago


A flower pot is a decorative block that allows one block high flowers, saplings, mushrooms, and cacti in it. Plants that cannot be placed in a pot include any two block high plant or flower, wheat, vines, lily pads, pumpkins, melons, nether wart, sugar canes, potatoes and carrots. If the block beneath a flower pot is removed, it will break and drop itself and the plant it contained. Mobs cannot spawn on a block with a flowerpot on it, full or empty. Flower pots can be placed on upside-down slabs and upside-down stairs. They can not be placed on normal slabs and stairs. When aiming at the side of a transparent block behind or above a crafting table the pot will not be placed on said block but on top of the crafting table instead. The same method works for furnaces and dispensers, but not for fences, cauldrons or chests. Flower pots are 3/8 block high and can be stepped on. It is not possible to walk from the top of a flower pot onto a full sized block without jumping. Despite appearing to have dirt in them, they do not require dirt to craft.

