Download Fishy Add-on - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Fishy Add-on
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1037 - Published at: 5 years ago


This Bedrock Add-On adds a variety of new fish to the game. These fish can be caught by the player using a fishing rod. Players are able to cook these fish with blocks like the smoker.

This Add-On adds a variety of new fish to the game. These fish can be caught by the player using a fishing rod. All the new fish can be cooked using blocks like the smoker, and you can eat them too!

New Fish Info

Raw Nutrition: 2
Cooked Nutrition: 6
Raw Saturation: Poor
Cooked Saturation: Good

Red Snapper
Raw Nutrition: 2
Cooked Nutrition: 6
Raw Saturation: Poor
Cooked Saturation: Good

Raw Nutrition: 2
Cooked Nutrition: 6
Raw Saturation: Poor
Cooked Saturation: Good

Raw Nutrition: 2
Cooked Nutrition: 6
Raw Saturation: Poor
Cooked Saturation: Good

Raw Nutrition: 2
Cooked Nutrition: 4
Raw Saturation: Poor
Cooked Saturation: Good

Additional Information

  • Download is on mediafire. Do not download any EXE or APK files, this file is an MCADDON file.
  • This addon may be incompatible with other addons that add fish. It should still load fine, you just may not be able to catch the fish in the other mod, or in this one.
  • Experimental Gameplay option must be enabled!
  • Do not redistribute or re-upload this addon!
  • You can use the /function fishy_all_items command to quickly give yourself every item added by this addon.



