Download Find The Button: Lava Chamber - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Find The Button: Lava Chamber
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1205 - Published at: 4 years ago


Find The Button: Lava Chamber is made by The TRiNITY. This is the first ever lava themed find the button map in the whole Minecraft community.

This map will surely challenge you. From the very beginning up to the end its just keep getting hotter and harder.

Fight your temper as you need to THINK FAST, ACT FAST and FIND THE BUTTON FAST.

This Find The Button: Lava Chamber is made up of 5 hottest extreme level ranging from somehow easy going to super hard. Well as we always say it is always be depending upon on whose playing.

If you’re bored and looking for a different approach of find the button especially in this quarantine period all over the world, Well here is the first ever lava themed inside the chamber find the button map made especially by The TRiNITY. What Are You Doing? Try This One.. This is REALLY HOT!

Play with your Friends (recommended/optional) playing is always fun if your with special someone.

*here are some of the Highlighted picture in the game*

Lava Chamber lvl: 1

This is lava chamber 1 this is your first starting point and on this point too is where you will start feeling the heat of a lava inside the magma chamber. As you can see there is a chest provided you should look for it maybe it can help you. In order to advance to the next level of the map you need to think and find and make your own way to cross the igniting sea of lava then Jump fast, Run fast and find the button fast you don’t want to be burned alive right.

Lava Chamber lvl: 3

Lava Chamber level 3 is the third hottest level of this find the button map. Once you are playing you’ll know understand. As you can see there’s chest again it is gladly provided for you and for your journey inside the map. Keep safe you’ll never know when will your life ends. Control your temper start thinking fast and find the button fast your life is running.

Lava Chamber lvl: 5

Lava chamber level 5 is the final level in this map. You are really amazing if you have made it this far. But before you celebrate do you think this the final level for nothing? Prepare yourself this level is the most annoying and hardest in this map It is also critical the moment you fell down on the igniting lava you’re dead… You Just gonna need to keep trying and trying until you cross and start finding for the button. THINK FAST, ACT FAST and FINISH THIS MAP can you?

*Find The Button: Lava Chamber Official Trailer *1080p*


For Zip File

Click and download the zip file of the map down below. After downloading the zip file of the map. click extract folder then copy the folder go to your phone/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds then click paste the map there you're ready to go and play. Launch your minecraft application and hit that play button!

For Mcworld File

Just click the McWorld file of the map. After downloading it just click it and you'll be redirected to the Minecraft application and just click the minecraft app so you'll redirected into the game and start playing.


