Download Epic Kit PvP 2.0 Beta - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Epic Kit PvP 2.0 Beta
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 945 - Published at: 5 years ago


Do want to play a pvp map with lives, Now you can! By playing this map each player will have 5 lives! And many kits/heroes to choose on and having beautiful maps which where you fight each other. Make sure to play with friends!

How to play

When you open the world you will see a play sign and beside is a pressure plate and then press it

Then you will be teleported on a lobby where all players can wait 

You will see in your action bar if how many players you have in the world it is required to have 2-5 players to play. If you have the proper players a pressure plate will appear then press it 

Now all of you are teleported in a room which where you pick the modes (for now only 1 mode) you will see a Deathmatch sigh and below it is a button then press it

Now its time to pick kits/heroes. All players will be teleported at a room where you pick kits/heroes when you have picked a kit/hero just drop on the pressure plate and be teleported on the map picking. 

Wait for all players to be in the map room

Then if all players are ready and in the map room pick a map and press the button of the chosen map

All players are now teleported on the map and its time to fight! Lives are decreased 1 point if you die and if you have 0 life you are out of the game but dont worry you could always spectate.

When the last survivor remains he won the game and the map will automatically reset and all players are back to lobby then you could play the game again.

There are 13 kits/heroes you could pick!

1.Poseidon- dashes with his riptide trident and could easily get away to enemies!

2.Archer-shoots instant damage arrows to the enemies and has a totem

3.Barbarian-hookes the enemies if near and hits like a truck!

4.Thing-slows down enemies if he gets near and very tanky

5.King-having shining armor and and turns his enemies on fire

6.Viper-Poison enemies if goes near in the enemy and shoots poison arrows

7.Knight-summon his horse that would never die and its hard to catch

8.Scavenger-very fast and can walk in water 

9.Assasin-invisible and assasinates enemies easily

10.Paladin-knockbacks enemies in a long range and easily get away with enemies.

11.Hunter-having a shotgun that can kill squishy kits in 1 shot


12.Angel-able to fly and has a powerful bow

13.Ninja- Air borne enemies with a deady effect to the victim

And more in the future

-buffed Scavenger

-buffed Assasin

-buffed King

-buffed Ninja

-buffed Angel

-fixed effect bugs

-only supports 1.13

Added jump boost block to reduce camping

Feel free to suggest on the comments!

And feel free to suggest on twitter @vosglactic

But most of all have fun!

-fixed paladin bug

-buffed Ninja and angel

-Automated Map picking

-added particles on Viper and thing 

Back story

I came up of an idea of having really cool powers and having lives of a pvp map. I first built a map on the time of 2017 when there are 28 heroes created and having 4 maps but my phone broke and required for a hard reset I have no choice to delete everything. Then I started to make it again in 2018 now it is done and better than the last one if you download this map you wont regret it!-Vosglactic

DO Not reupload




How to download

Press Download world here!

Then wait for 5 seconds

Then press skip add

Then press download on mediafire website!

*if you have problems on downloading the map please watch this video:

or Dm me om twitter @vosglactic


