Download Enc. HSPE V3 - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Enc. HSPE V3
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 2198 - Published at: 4 years ago


Enc. HSPE Shaders

Enchanted HSPE Shaders. A shader that will improve minecraft vanilla graphics to be more unique. 
Do you know what “HSPE” stands for? yes, “HSPE” stands for “Harrington Shader” this is a random gamertag from xbox which I happen to like this name XD
A little information. I decided to change the theme and remake the coloring of this shaders from “Colorful” to “Natural” theme for some reason.
tons of screenshots will coming!!


  • Sunset & Sunrise

  • Day

  • Night 

  • Rain

  • Underwater

  • Cave

*trace on the picture, will only appear if you put a block beside of the shadow.

  • Metallic blocks

  • Glowing blocks

Overworld Screenshot

  • Nether

  • The End

Features :

  1. Natural coloring
  2. Beautiful sky
  3. Unique torch
  4. Option
  5. Water realistic
  6. Water wave
  7. Under water wave
  8. Leaves save
  9. Bloom sun
  10. Ray sun
  11. Atmosphere
  12. Experimental feature (option)
  13. Etc


      In the previous version of this Shaders, there was a subpack feature, but there were lots of lag complaints from users. And many users gave suggestion to make a settings for this shaders.
      So in V3+ Shaders, there is a feature called “option” where you can modify this shader. You can activate or deactivate some features of this shaders.

| How to modify this option?
 • Android : go to this shader’s file> shaders> glsl> lib> open “option.h”
 • Windows10 : go to this shader’s file> shaders> hlsl> lib> open “option.fxh”


  1. Please don’t relink this shaders
  2. Please permission first, if you wish to use code from this shaders
  3. This shaders, only support Ogl 2.0+ 
  4. This shaders still does NOT support with MC Renderdragon (MCBE
  5. You are allowed to share this shaders but only with this website link.
  6. You are prohibited to share this shaders but as your own!!
  7. Read INFO.txt & Credits.txt (optional)
  8. Report bugs via Twitter only.


| V3 Trailer : 

| How to modify option : 

*if you still confused with the explanation above, you can watch this video.



