Download Emerald Ore - Items
MC: Emerald Ore
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 949 - Published at: 5 years ago


Emerald ore is the rarest mineral block in the game. It only generates in Extreme Hills biomes, and drops emeralds when mined with a diamond or iron pickaxe without the Silk Touch enchantment. It drops 1 Emerald from each ore block mined in this way (1-4 if Fortune III is used) or experience orbs worth 5-7 experience if mined with any other tool (including a pickaxe without Silk Touch.) Instead of generating in veins like other ores, it is encountered as a single block, and tends to be very scattered around. It is also the only ore with a texture that looks to be small square gems embedded inside the ore, unlike the small, broken rectangles seen on the other ores.

