Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1267 - Published at: 4 years ago
Easy Minecraft is a Minecraft Addon to make Minecraft be Easy and Mostly Overpowered. I added more crafting recipes for items that you either normally can’t craft or is hard to craft.
All crafting recipes will be shown below. I also added some items to go with the recipes. If you want to test the Addon out before deciding to get it, there will be a tutorial world in the downloads. All screenshots were taken in the tutorial world.
.Diamond: 8 Lapis Lazulis and one iron ingot.
Diamond Stick: 2 Diamonds (You will get 4 Diamond Sticks)
Trident: 2 Diamond Sticks & 3 Iron Ingots
Obsidian Ingot: 1 Obsidian Block in a Blast Furnace
You can now smelt netherrack into Nether Bricks in a Blast Furnace instead of a normal Furnace
Netherite Ingot: You need 1 of each: Obsidian Ingot, Nether Brick, Gold Ingot, Iron Ingot.
Enchanted Apple/Notch Apple: At some point your could craft Enchanted Apples in Minecraft with 8 Gold Blocks and one Apple. I decided to put that recipe back into the game.
Totem Of Undying: All you need is 5 Gold Ingots
End Portal Frame: So you’ve just went to The End and you’ve managed to get 12 End Stones and 12 Ender Pearl’s. Use those to make End Portal Frames to go back to The End from your base. Your output from putting 3 of each items will be 3 Portal Frames.
Sorry I Forgot To Put The Recipe Picture in but you can look at the recipe book and it will be there.
Sorry, I could not make a crafting recipe for end stone in the Addon with the app I was using. The recipe is still demonstrated in the tutorial world though.
I hope you enjoy this Addon! More Addons and Minecraft Maps will come out soon.
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You Must Have Experimental Gameplay Enabled to use this Addon. Experimental Gamplay Is located right over the cheats when creating a world.
I used Addons Maker To Make This Addon:
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