Download Durability Viewer Resource Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Durability Viewer Resource Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1674 - Published at: 4 years ago


Are you frustrated by the lack of information about your tools and armor given in-game. Are you frustrated that Mojang hasn’t added an actual durability viewer that works on all platforms?

Need not to worry as, yet again, the community seems to be doing more for Minecraft Bedrock Edition than Mojang these days!

This resource pack adds a durability counter to the hotbar, to the armor grid, and when you click on items. This resource pack is compatible with several popular UI resource packs and should work out-of-the box as is intended on all devices, and on both pocket and desktop UI profiles.

Here’s how to use it:

On the hotbar, there are little numbers on the top right of the item that show the current durability of the tool. These update in real-time.

In the armor grid and offhand slot, there are little numbers on the top right of the item that show the current durability of the tool. These also update in real-time.

When you click or tap on an item, a panel showing the item namespaced ID, the item icon, and the current durability will appear. Note that to see this panel, you need to click on the item, not hover over it like in Java Edition. This will always show the current unrounded durability value.

There are subpack options to show what numbers you see. You can use which you prefer, but note that some of the subpack options may severely reduce your in-game FPS depending on the device you are using! The default subpack option should work for most people, but there is a performance option for those who may need it.

Other Information (PLEASE READ):

Do not re-upload the file anywhere else. Do not host the file anywhere else. Do not provide the direct MediaFire link to anyone. Always direct people to MCPEDL to download this addon. Give proper credit. Severe action will be taken (including copyright strikes) will be given to people who do not follow these licensing rules. I have given out copyright strikes to people before, and I will not hesitate to do it again if these rules are not followed.


Download the correct version of the pack for the corresponding game version you are using below. There are two pack options: one for game versions 1.16.0-1.16.40 and one for game versions 1.16.100+. Game versions before 1.16 are not supported.


