Download Ducky’s Swords - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Ducky’s Swords
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1422 - Published at: 4 years ago


Tired of the same, boring old Minecraft 16 x 16 pixelated swords?

I’ve taken it upon myself to retexture the swords. Nothing in this pack is edited or changed except for the swords

I’ve worked creatively (And swiftly) to apply textures already implemented in minecraft to create 64 x 64 sword textures, forged to look as the materials from which they are crafted! (With a few minor exceptions…)

This texture pack is perfect for a Vanilla-Textured experience with Redefined and Revamped Sword Textures!!!

Really all it changes are the sword textures. This texture pack is compatible with 1.16+, I’m unsure if the new beta version, but I’m successfully running it on 1.16.200. The download is below. 

I am the creator of this texture pack. You may NOT repost this on any website or on MCPEDL. This IS the original created by ME.

From left: Wooden sword, Stone sword, Iron sword, Gold sword, Diamond sword, and Netherite sword!

Wooden Sword! (In hand and used by zombie)

Stone Sword!! (In hand and used by skeleton)

Iron Sword! (In hand and used by piglin) 

Gold Sword! (In hand and used by Husk)

DIAMOND SWORD! (In hand and used by piglin brute)

AND A NETHERITE SWORD!!! (In hand and used by Wither skeleton)

please note that the swords were given to mobs using commands

This pack is only the beginning. I plan to update and retexture based off of user preferences to make the highest quality textures as possible.

the download will be found below. The only thing changed is the swords, as I said above. 

If you want to use this in a bundle, credit me and give the link to my YouTube channel, MCPEDL profile, and to the download.

If you want to use it on a YouTube video or a showcase on social media or any video hosting website, Give credits to me, a link to my channel, a link to my MCPEDL profile, and a link to this post specifically. You MAY use your own monetized download link directly to the download as well, but please use my media fire link (pasted into your url shortener) so I can track the downloads! =)

If you intend on sharing this on social media, please either use the sharing tools provided by MCPEDL, or use the images on this post with a link to this MCPEDL!

I appreciate the support and agreement!


