Download Different World Pack - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Different World Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 858 - Published at: 5 years ago


ImDarkTom presents you the Different World Pack! The pack changes some of the default things in vanilla Minecraft. This is still a work-in-progress so some things have yet to change!

The things this pack changes include:


-Ore Outlines




-End Chest

-End Frame

-Eye of Ender


-Mushroom Biome







-Better Grass

-Golden Trident

-Remastered End

-Mob beds

-Crafting & smelting stations

You are allowed to:

-Upload a modified version with crediting me

-Record this pack, again, with crediting me

You are not allowed to:

-Reupload as own

-Upload to sites that I haven’t posted the pack to before

Things in this pack are changed to:

-Diamond = Ruby (Red)

-Gold = Mynt (Green)

-Iron = Pigonite (Blue)

-Lapis Lazuli = Crystal Lazuli (Orange)

-Emeralds = (Purple)

(Item names & textured are changed for craftable items aswell. E.g. Ruby Chestplate, Myntic Apple .ect.)

Images from the pack here:


To the Xbox users wanting to download this, there is a new method by ElderWizardGaming here!


