Download Destroy the Curse! Chapter 1 - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Destroy the Curse! Chapter 1
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1059 - Published at: 4 years ago


Thousands of years ago, a deadly curse threatened earth. A magical person came to earth and destroyed the curse. Now, the curse has returned, and it is up to you to save the world.

The map starts out easy, with a simple goal: Do some yard work. But when you walk outside you discover that the curse that existed many years ago is back. You make it your mission to save the world and stop the curse. Along the way you discover the problem is much bigger than you thought. An alien race is the cause of the curse and you end up traveling across the world on your mission to stop the curse. This map is an adventure/puzzle map. You need to play in adventure mode, with your render distance as low as it will go. I really hope you like this map because I spent a long time making it. If you find a glitch please tell me in the comment section.


