Make your world happier and add funny derpy faces to most of the mobs like zombies, skeletons, sheep’s, creepers and more!
You can use on computer or mobile For Minecraft version 1.16
You can use on computer or mobile
For Minecraft version 1.16
Make your world happier and add funny derpy faces to most of the mobs like zombies, skeletons, sheep’s, creepers and more!
Changed in this texturepack:
- polar bear
- cows(normal, red mooshroom, brown mooshroom)
- creeper
- ghast
- derpy hoglin and zoglin
- iron golem
- llamas
- piglins(normal, piglin brute, zombified piglin)
- sheep
- skeleton and wither skeleton
- magma cube(I think slime is already derpy)
- spider and cave spider
- strider
- turtle
- wither
- zombie and zombie villager
- steve and alex skins
- blaze
- guardian and elder guardian
- squid
Here are some examples:





For computer or mobile
For Minecraft version 1.16