The debug feature has never been high on the priority list of functions on the to-do lists for the Minecraft PE developers. Actually, we’ve heard that the debug feature never was intended to stay for the PC version but as it has been there for so long they saw no reason to remove it and people seem to enjoy it.
If you are like us and like to know every little detail such as your in-game coordinations and FPS (frames per second) then with this mod you can get all that displayed with a simplified text based user interface.
Creators: MyNameIsAnti, peacestorm
- Debug screen like in PC with Minecraft font
- X, Y, Z coordinations
- Toggleable on/off GUI button
- Block info
- Chunk info
- Text compass/navigator (north/south/west/east)
- Biome info
- Current light level
- Local difficulty
- Current FPS count
- MCPE Version
- And more!
Realistic Texture Packs 0.16.2 Seeds 0.12.0+ Seeds 0.12.2 Seeds redsone map 0.12.1 Seeds 16x16 0.15.1 Seeds 64x64 0.14.0+ Seeds