Download Daylight Sensor - Items
MC: Daylight Sensor
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Viewed: 999 - Published at: 5 years ago


A daylight sensor is a block for use with redstone circuitry. It works like a solar panel, emitting a redstone signal if it is bright enough (sunlight level) to do so. The strength of the redstone signal varies by the time of day. For example, the sensor will emit redstone for 15 blocks at midday but roughly 5 blocks at evening. The daylight sensor emits a redstone current to any/all blocks placed directly (within 1 block) above/below/next to it. If a daylight sensor has an opaque block above it, then it will emit a weaker signal, or none at all, as it is directly proportional to the sky light, which can be useful for controlling light levels with redstone lamps and pistons to cover and uncover the sensor. Using a NOT gate (also known as an inverted Redstone signal) can reverse the sensor's signal, creating a "night sensor." This can, for example, allow redstone lamps to come on at night and off during daytime or a bunker that locks itself at night using the reverse signal and sticky pistons.

