Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1042 - Published at: 4 years ago
The idea for this mod is to change mobs behaviors to make them seem crazy. For example, the cow is similar to an explosive creeper and the sheep have taken on the traits of the enderman. One thing that is for sure is that the survival mode in Minecraft is much more difficult as you never know what creepy mob is lurking around the corner.
Creator: HemaMetwaaly, Twitter Account
Cows are now similar to creepers in that sense that they are hostile and explosive. One thing that makes them more dangerous is that they are very fast.
Jump on the back of a chicken and use a carrot on a stick to control to direction of the chicken.
Behind those eyes something dark and evil is hidden! Sheep are now hostile and have the ability to teleport similar to an enderman.
Zombies have bows which they use to shoot arrows.
The skeleton throws fire charges. If you get hit by one it takes away a large chunk of your health and the shots were frequent enough to make me want to avoid these skeletons as much as possible.
iOS / Android / Windows 10 / Other?
- Click to download crazy-mobs.mcpack
- Add the pack for a world in-game