Download CraftingMiniGame - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: CraftingMiniGame
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 781 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have you ever wanted to improve your minecraft crafting skills? If that’s a yes, this map is perfect for you. This is a map that is inspired from impulse and tango’s (from hermitcraft) halloween trick or treat minigame. But this is only the trick part of it. The difference from this map and the hermitcraft is that there is no timer or tnt in this minigame.

This Is An Example Of The Levels:

Craft A Diamond Block

Shulker Box Contents

-1 Crafting Table

-4 Sand

-5 Gunpowder

-9 Diamond Ore

-9 Iron Nugget

-1 Flint

In this case, you will need to place down the diamond ore and craft a tnt using the sand and gunpowder provided. You will also need to craft the 9 iron nuggets into an iron ingot, together with the flint, you can make a flint and steel to ignite the tnt. The tnt will blow up the diamond ore which will drop actual diamonds. Lastly, you can craft the diamonds into a block and succeed to the next level.

This is where you spawn:

This is the inside of the levels:

This is the piston door from the start:

And this is how big is this map/how much command blocks are in this map:

This map only contains 4 levels, if you like this map or want a part 2, let me know.


1) Click On The Download .mcworld

2) Download The Mediafire File
3) Click On The Downloaded File
4) Open With Minecraft


