Download Craft++ Addon (Beta) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Craft++ Addon (Beta)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 863 - Published at: 4 years ago


This addon add spawn eggs, command block, bedrock,golden apples crafts.Addon hasn’t texture only behaviour settings.All crafts in description.

You can craft on craftble table not in dropper:( Addon have sixty four+ crafts(64+ crafts)


Cat-spawn egg spider and 8 string

Mule-spawn egg horse and dunkey spawn egg

Leather Horse Armor -8 leather and one spawn egg horse

Diamond horse Armor -8 diamond and one horse spawn egg

Iron horse armor -8 iron ingot and one horse spawn egg

Golden horse armor- 8 gold ingot and one horse spawn egg

End portal rame -6 end stone brick and one eye of ender

Lead- 8 string

Monster spawn – 8 iron bars

Polar bear -8 ice and one panda spawn egg

Lama -chest leather armor horse spawn egg

Slime-8 slime

Tropical fish egg-tropical fish

Zombie horse- one horse spawn egg and 8 Rotten flash

Creeper-8 gunpowder

Bat-one torch and two ghast tear

Skelet horse-5 bone and one horse spawn egg

Silverfish-8 stone

Ocelot-one spawn egg cat ad two rabbit paw

Mooshoroom-one cow spawn egg and 8 red mashorom

Pufferfish egg-one pufferfish

Strey-one poison arrow and 6 bone

Enderman-8 endpearl

Salmon egg- salmon

Dolphin- 3 tropical fish 2 pufferfish 3 cod

Cod egg-cod

Horse -7 leather

Rabbit -2 rabbit paw and 2 rabbit leather

Skeleton -8 bone

Donkey -leather armor horse and spawn horse egg

Turtle- 3 turtle egg and one turtle shell

Panda -8 bamboo

Parrot -3 seed one Cocoa beans

Husk -8 rotten flash and poison of fire resistance

Drowned -8 rotten flash and one shell of nautilus

Cave spider-8 string and one fermented spider eye

Witch+ 4 glowstone dust and one glass bottle

Guardian-4 prismarine shard and 4 prismarine crystals

Ghast-2 ghast tear and one gunpowder

Blaze- 4 blaze rod and 4 blaze powder

Elder guardian-3 prismarine crystals one prismarine shard one golden block and 4 sea leathern 

Shulker-4 shulker shell 

Magma cube-nether wart magma block and magma cream

Endermite-enderpearl and 3 chorus fruit

Zombie Village-one emerald and 8 rotten flash

Chicken-one egg 4 feather and one raw chicken

Phantom-one blaze spawn egg and one eyes of ender

Wither skeleton-one wooden sword 5 bone and one potion of decay

Pillager-one arbalet and one vindicator spawn egg

Vindicator- 4 emerald and one iron axe

Spider -8 string and one spider eyes

Vex -2 ice one iron sword

Zombie 8 rotten flash 

Evoker -8 totem and one emerald

Pigman -8 golden Nugget and one zombie spawn egg

Wolf -6 bone

Sheep -3 wool and one raw mutton

Villager- 8 emerald

Pig -one Porckchchock and 8 carrot 

Cow- 8 leather one raw beef

Bedrock -5 nether star and 4 obsidian

Command block -8 bedrock

Saddle -8 leather

Enchanted golden apple- one golden apple and 8 diamond block


Images version:

In Addon not all eggs spawners crafts;(

I Made this add-on 2-3 days.

Add this add-on in your map or survive with this add-on and make awesome monster ferms:) And I give you challenge

Craft all items in minecraft .

Preaent day I make new addon 

New addon have:

30 + monster

60 + crafts

20+ ores

Flying zombies, climbing skeletons,bee endermen,Very hard crafts in a next addon


Install Mcaddon

When you create new world turn on Experemental gameplay

And in behaviour setting Active Craft++

Have fun!


