Download Cow Plus V2 Addon - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Cow Plus V2 Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1288 - Published at: 5 years ago


Add-on adds 11 new cows to the game and each one has its own functions. Some of them are created by other cows mating, and some naturally generate in specific biomes. Each cow is classified as a different rarity 1 (common), 2 (rare), 3 (very rare), 4 (almost legend), 5 (legend). (Creators:  (Alex587), (Ignacidark44)

How does it work?

This add-on has cows that are generated in different biomes. Some cows can only be spawned by two different cows mating.
Naturally spawned cows:
  • Aquatic Cow
  • Marsh Cow
  • Diabolic Cow
  • Cow insect and its egg
  • Giant Cow
  • Red beast
  • Jungle Cow
  • Xacamorfo
  • Giant Xacamorfo

Requires cows mating:

  • Cloud cow
  • Giant aquatic cow

Where are they generated?

  • Aquatic Cow: frozen ocean (low probability)
  • Marsh Cow: swamp (average probability)
  • Diabolic Cow: Underworld (average probability)
  • Insect cow and its egg: only the eggs are generated in the swamp and the rivers (low probability) , then they become “insect cow”
  • Giant Cow: Extreme hills and Mega (low probability)
  • Red beast: Underworld (very low probability)
  • Jungle Cow: jungle (low probability)
  • Xacamorfo: forest and flowers forest in low light (low probability)
  • Giant Xacamorfo: flowers forest and Mega in low light (very low probability)

Cow Matings

Giant cow + diabolic cow = red beast
Giant cow + aquatic cow = giant aquatic cow
Aquatic cow + diabolic cow = cloud cow
In this addon the cows mate with each other, you can experiment to have more cows

Cow Special Skills

  • Aquatic Cow: It only lives underwater, but it can live without water for 150 seconds, when they die they fall from 3 to 7 fish and from 0 to 2 of leather, they have 25 of life, when you give them an empty bucket, they return it full of water. They eat seagrass. Peaceful animal (rare 2).
  • Marsh Cow: Every 500 or 700 seconds they drop a ball of water, they breathe under water and also air, they eat sea grass, their babies are very small, when they die they drop fish from 0 to 2 and a slime balls from 3 to 7. Peaceful animal (rare 2)
  • Diabolic Cow: You can cook raw meats, sticks, minerals such as iron ore, with an empty bucket that gives you lava, is immune to fire, receives damage to the water, can feed on coal, when they die they fall from 1 to 3 of coal and 2 to 5 leather. Peaceful animal (rare 3)
  • Insect cow: When it dies sugar falls from 0 to 2 and 1 of raw meat, they live 500 seconds, they lay eggs every 260 seconds, they have 5 of life, they float in the water to lay eggs, they can feed on sugar. Peaceful animal (rare 1)
  • Insect egg: 500 seconds to become (insect cow), can only live underwater.
  • Giant Cow: They have 205 of life, can feed on block of hay, when they die they fall from 7 to 20 of leather and from 10 to 20 of meat. Peaceful animal (rare 3)
  • Red beast: Attacks almost all entities; It can be tamed with the wart block, it is immune to fire, it receives damage when it is wet, (life 45), (damage 35), it is very fast, when it dies it falls from 0 to 7 of the block of warts and from 0 to 2 magma cream, only babies can be domesticated. Is aggressive (rare 4)
  • Jungle Cow: It is a playful animal, attacks the monstrous, if you have a block of melon in your hand it will not attack you, only the babies are domdables with golden melon, they can swim in the water, breathe air and water, when they die they fall from 10 to 20 leather and 5 to 20 fish, is fed with melon block, damage 7, life 120, effect of damage 15 seconds (nausea), (rare 4).
  • Xacamorfo: This monster is an addict to the cows, it is very fast, it kills farm animals like: chicken, rabbit, cow, sheep, pig. only the small ones are domesticable, they can be domesticated with (raw beef), they are an excellent hunter, the adults have (life 20), (damage 7) and the little ones have (life 10), (damage 5-10), when they die they drop from 0 to 3 of rotten flesh and from 0 to 4 of leather, it does not attack humans unless you attack them first, (aggressive with animals),(rare 2).
  • Giant Xacamorfo: This cow attacks almost everything that has meat, like players, villagers, giant cow, pigs, cows. Only the babies are domesticable with raw beef, this monster turns the villagers into zombies, the adults have (life 70), (damage 7) and the babies (life 15), (damage 17-25), when they die they drop from 5 to 20 of rotten flesh and from 10 to 15 of leather, (it is an aggressive animal), (rare 3).
  • Cloud cow: This elementary cow evokes lightning from time to time, the adult cloud cow can feed on iron ingots and the small cow can feed on iron nuggets, (life 25), (rare 4), Peaceful animal.
  • Giant aquatic cow: Summon a fish every 1000 to 1300 seconds, breathe 500 seconds out of the water, you can ride to submerge yourself in the water, you can feed it with the block of algae, ice: 100 seconds of breathing out of the water for the cow, (life130), Peaceful animal, (rare 5).


  1. Go to the download link wait 5 seconds

  1. clickthe button that says jump advertising
  2. waitfor redirect you
  3. nowput the add-on in the world


