On this map you will have to stay as long as possible on the colored platform. On a wall you’ll see what color you have to step on so you don’t fall into the void and die.
I saw the idea on a map of a famous Battle Royale video game and thought it was a good idea to take it to Minecraft
You’re going to show up here
To start playing just press the button
The color of the wall indicates which color you should step on so that it does not fall off
You have three seconds to get to the corresponding color
All the other colors are going to disappear
After 1.5 seconds the platform returns and another color is randomly chosen by the game
Redstone Maps Survival Maps 0.13.2 Seeds 0.16.1 Seeds 0.16.0+ Seeds 0.15.8 Seeds PvP Maps 0.15.1 Seeds 1.0.7 Seeds Realistic Texture Packs