Download ClemKoGa’s Freddy JR (FNaF) - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: ClemKoGa’s Freddy JR (FNaF)
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 837 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hey there pal! Are you bored of the normal pizzerias? Well we are here for you!

Come check our pizzeria Freddy JR!

A place for kids of all ages,and where fantasy comes to life! Come see our high-end animatronics in a safe* for kids environment! Come here to experience fun,fun,fun!

*Fazbear Entertainment â„¢ does not guarantee safety.

First a big thank you to Dany Fox,who allowed me to use his FNaF 2 Animatronics addon!

FNaF 2 Animatronics Addon

Dany Fox’s Channel

So in this map you can visit the pizzeria,this map can be used for Roleplay or other things,just credit me!

You can’t really survive,bc there is no gameplay features,tho you can still free roam and try to out run the animatronics!

Currently they are statues(Animation Test) and animations (Showtime) tho you can replace them by actual mobs(and even other addons!

The current rooms:

-Main Stage/Dining Area/FazPrize Corner/Arcades

-Part And Services(Withereds)

-The Kitchen

-The puppet room

-The Pirate Cove(Child’s Zone)


Here is some screenshots!


