Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1229 - Published at: 4 years ago
It’s that time of the year! Halloween time go trick-or-treating!! Wait.. wrong holiday. Merry Christmas!! This addon adds 8 tiered presents hand-wrapped by legopitstop himself. Be careful not to stomp on them. Will you get a good or bad present?
Christmas Presents Addon
to The Minecraft Community
from Legopitstop
I present you with Christmas Presents datapack! This addon simply adds in 8 presents! Below you can find all the loot that it will drop each present acts as a tier. the higher the tier the better chance that you will get good loot.
In creative / cheats you can get all the presents by running the following functions
/function give:present/all
To craft these presents you will need to first craft the wood tiered present.
To upgrade to the next tier click on the placed wood present.
Placed present Item to upgrade present
- wood cobblestone
- stone iron ingot
- iron iron ingot (this will be copper ingot once added)
- copper gold ingot
- gold diamond
- diamond emerald
- emerald netherite scrap
Each tier increases your chance to get good loot. Break the block to get loot.
good/bad percentage
Tier Bad Good
Wood 90% 10%
Stone 80% 20%
Iron 70% 30%
Copper 60% 40%
Gold 50% 50%
Diamond 40% 60%
Emerald 30% 70%
Netherite 20% 80%
You can get the below items with any tier. The top being common, the Bottom being rare.
- Stick (1-3 Count)
- Coal (1-3 Count)
- Coal Block
- Leather Helmet (randomly damaged)
- Leather Chestplate (randomly damaged)
- Leather Leggings (randomly damaged)
- Leather Boots (randomly damaged)
- Milk Bottle
- Cookie (1-3 Count)
- Name Tag
- Netherite Scrap
- Diamond (Amythest Crystal once added)
- Enchanted Book (enchant with levels
- Santa Hat
- Santa Chestplate
- Santa Leggings
- Santa Boots
Custom Santa Armor like a suit.
All 8 presents
Use the presents as decor to!!
1. Click one of the links to download . (.mcaddon)
2. Once you have downloaded click the .mcaddon file.
3. It should automatically open Minecraft and install a behavior and resourcepack.
4. Make sure to have the Holiday Creator Features in experimental gameplay ON.