Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1505 - Published at: 5 years ago
These packs help you to bring magic to your own theme parks & attractions in Minecraft! All 7 have a different purpose in helping to enhance the game experience throughout your builds!
Lift Hills & Launches:
This pack contains hydraulic & magnetic launches and vertical lift hills to make your roller coasters seem more realistic!
-Hydraulic Launch Track replaces glazed terracotta
-Magnetic Launch Track replaces wool
– Vertical Lift chain replaces 1×2 painting
Food & Drink:
You can use this pack to enhance your restaurants and shops!
– Various fast foods replace foodstuffs
– Various drinks replace potions
Invisible Rails:
Our Invisible Rails creator pack makes rails invisible, as well as adding in brakes & on-ride cameras!
– Rail becomes invisible
– Camera replaces conduit
– Sensor replaces detector rail
– Brakes replace activator rail
Smooth Grass:
Our Smooth Grass Creator Pack allows you to make the terrain in your parks more realistic by turning End Stone Bricks into grass. This can be used to make smooth terrain and even grass slabs!
– End Stone Bricks (Block, Slab, Stair & Wall) become Smooth Grass
Want to run a Christmas event in your park, or simply in the mood to get festive? Our Christmas Creator Pack can help you do just that!
– Grass & grass path become snowy
– Leaves become frosty
– Additional Christmas changes to the in-game textures
Our Halloween Creator Pack will allow you to make spooky events at your parks even better, with custom mobs & items!
– Various mobs have been changed to look spooky
– Redstone changed to Handprints & Footprints
– Items such as swords have changed to look spooky
his pack combines the elements of Smooth Grass, Invisible Rails, Food & Drink and Lift Hills & Launches in order to create a full experience for you to add to your parks!