Download Bison Addon (The Baby Bison Update) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Bison Addon (The Baby Bison Update)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1446 - Published at: 5 years ago


Everybody wants more animals in Minecraft and I decided to put one in myself! I’m a fairly young player that aspires to be a creator one day, so I’ve taken up the challenge of becoming an addon maker! This is obviously my first addon but I will be adding new features and keeping the addon up to date. Please provide me feedback and support me by using the shortlink provided below, I spent a lot of time on this and the money will help me and my family throughout this cold season! Feel free to review but don’t redirect others to the direct download link, don’t steal my model, etc. and etc!

(Updated, version 1.1)

This update adds a few new items so ENABLE EXPERIMENTAL MODE or you can’t access them!

New Food & Loot:

Adult bison still drop leather, but no longer give the player raw beef upon death.

Bison will now give you strip loin steak that restore five hunger points and five MORE when cooked!

With a little luck, you can also get BISON HORNS that are now necessary to acquire bows! Bison horns can be heated in a bucket over some flint and steel (must have full durability) on your crafting table to create glue!

New Item:

In real life, Native Americans used to cook down the horns, hooves, and other parts of bison that contain a hefty supply of collagen to create a natural glue! Bison horns (along with the bones of other cattle and horned animals) would be carved and shaved for use as bows! The glue would help reinforce their weapons; subsequently, making their archery equipment stronger and more reliable!

Sadly, minecraft does not officially support new custom bows and other weapons. I know there are ways to work around this disadvantage but I’ll wait until that’s actually made available to addon makers (hopefully early this year).

As we wait for that… let me show you the new crafting recipe for the bow! It now sports a slightly different texture! You can still use regular or tipped arrows because it’s stats and components haven’t been changed.

New Model & Behavior Fixes:

If the first new image hasn’t told you this yet, baby bison look different from their elder counterparts. Bison offspring will follow their parents and panic after encountering danger!

Young bison have their own dedicated spawn egg and can be birthed by two adult bison. You may no longer speed up their growth, though you can continue to feed them wheat if they get hurt.

Despite being cute, wolves won’t hesitate to hunt down these babies. It might be a good idea to make sure your barn has good protection if you are residing in their territory…

I have made it so bison become angry and attack like they’re supposed to, say goodbye to any shy guys around here! If you see something while playing with this addon that seems buggy or off please contact me through the comments or on my youtube channel! I’m only one person so I’d greatly appreciate it! I hope this newer rendition rids some kinks and further improves your quality of life inside minecraft! Expect to see more from me. All of you can return to your caves now!

(Outdated, version 1)

As you guessed from the title, this addon adds bison to your minecraft world, Bison are big and tough animals but as long as you respect them, they’ll be kind to you! You can breed them with wheat and they drop the same loot upon death as cows, but be careful when fighting them! Bison do TEN ATTACK DAMAGE and will get angry when provoked!

Bison also have a particular distaste for wolves…

Do other bison get angry when you fight them?

Yes! When hurt, bison will broadcast their anger to the rest of their herd, even the babies will get riled up! Young offspring in the near future will not have this behavior and run away when provoked.

Where can I find bison?

Bison spawn in plains in small groups, In another update the bison will probably also generate elsewhere.

Can you add buffalo?

Bison, or more specifically: American Bison, are often mistakenly called buffalo. They are not the same species, but I will consider including them if it’s requested enough.

Can you farm them?

As already stated, bison currently have the same drops as cows and share the same breeding mechanics. You can successfully harvest them for their meat but I wouldn’t recommend it as they can be dangerous and the breeding will be changed in the next update.

Can you ride/tame them?

This is not a feature that is prioritized at the moment.

My phone isn’t playing the bison’s sounds! Did I install the addon incorrectly?

My own mobile device failed to produce the custom sounds, but I am not aware if it’s an independent issue or affects all android phones. If you are experiencing this please let me know in the comments so I can fix it!

What else does this addon have to offer?

Bison are the only addition presently but in the next update will be utilized for crafting. I may give them a unique food source as well. Bison in real life are symbolic and are important to some cultures, so I want to show that ingame; however, I am an amateur addon developer so I can’t be too ambitious.

Do you have a Youtube channel?

I have a personal Youtube channel that you can check out but it isn’t dedicated to addons. I recently uploaded some footage of the new baby bison in action! I will leave it below, along with an invite link in the comments when this post goes live to solveddev’s discord (the creator of ‘bridge’, a program that makes organizing and managing addons easy). The bridge discord is where fellow addon devs and newbies share their creations, seek help, and keep up to date with the program.


The addon supports windows 10 and android phones. I don’t know if it’s functional on console.

When is the next update?

I can’t give an exact date but the next update will probably release in the following week or after. Depends on how long it takes me to learn how to add custom items, haha.

Please visit this page frequently to make sure you have the latest version of the addon! Hope you enjoy the mod and tell me what you think in the comments! Happy mining my friends!


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