Download Binoculars’ Zoom Add-on [v1.12+ only] - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Binoculars’ Zoom Add-on [v1.12+ only]
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1133 - Published at: 5 years ago


Binoculars’ Zoom Add-on introduces two new custom in-game items: Lens, and the Binoculars itself! The Binocular’s allows you to see and view quite distant and/or farther places without moving your current location.

created by: r4isen1920

pack version: v1.4

Crafting Recipes

A. Lens

  • Lens are made from materials, such as glass, which allows you to see farther places easily by means of refraction.
  • To craft a piece of lens, you will need: (2) Glass, and (2) Glass Panes. Note that you will need Glass, and not Stained Glass!

  • After crafting the Lens, we can now move on into crafting the Binoculars itself!

B. Binoculars

  • Binoculars allows us to see farther and/or such distant places without moving too much.
  • To craft a pair of Binoculars, you will need atleast (2) Lens, and (6) Iron Ingots as seen below:

Binoculars’ Features

A. Usage Information

  • Simply hold the Binoculars in your main hand to use it!

B. Zoom Levels

  • There are three respective zoom levels. Each can be suited for your needs – the higher the level, the more you can see, but the slower you’ll get!
  • Changing Zoom Levels: To change the zoom level, you can go to your Behavior Pack’s tab and change the slider bar from there:

  • Three-level differences: The higher the level, the more far places you can see – but the slower you can be!

  • Zoom level settings is saved for each world. It is not each player can change individually or vary in the same world.

C. Binocular’s Eyes

  • ‘Binoculars Eyes’ is a term used for referencing the eye piece which allows you to see the shape of the Binocular’s around your eyes.

  • Something below could look like that if used in-game:

D. Nearby Mob’s Indicator

  • You can’t be sure if someone will attack you from the back, while you’re watching the Binoculars in Survival mode.
  • Blue Indicator: Shows the current Zoom Level. 
  • Yellow Indicator: Indicates nearby entities 2 blocks from you and within 12 blocks of range. (2-12 blocks)

Video Demonstration

  • Looking for a new village with the Binoculars Addon!


