Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2089 - Published at: 5 years ago
You want new features to improve your Minecraft experience : New ores like the ruby or the copper, improved deserts with oasis and quicksand, a more realistic gameplay with temperature, infected Zombies and even more… This Add-On is maybe for you.
This Add-On improve Minecraft gameplay by adding a lot of features : new naturally generated blocks and structures, new zombie variants, some interesting items, and even useful commands (worldborder, vanish…).
All BetterBedrock features are presented below.
Ruby and copper stuff :
► Ruby Ore Added :
• Ruby ore are generated naturally between Y=10 to Y=20 layers and are more common in desert biomes.
• Don’t require a pickaxe to be obtained, it’s due to a missing functionality with Minecraft addons, but you have to mine this block a couple of seconds before breaking whatever the tool
► Ruby (item) added :
• Obtained by mining a ruby ore.
• Obtained in some chests structures such as desert temple, dungeons…
• Obtained by using 1 ruby block in a crafting table (1 ruby block = 9 rubies).
► Ruby block added :
• Can regenerate (with a Regeneration I effect) all the players who are very close to this block. Its inspired by beacon features but without using beacons
• Obtained by using 9 ruby gems in a crafting table (9 ruby gems = 1 ruby block).
► Added the Copper ore :
• Generated naturally between Y=0 to Y=96 layers and are more common between Y=48 to Y=80 layers.
• Don’t require a pickaxe to be obtained, it’s due to a missing functionality with Minecraft addons, but you have to mine this block some seconds whatever your tool, like with Ruby Ore.
► Added the Copper ingot :
• Obtained by smelting a copper ore in a furnace.
• Obtained by using 1 copper block in a crafting table (1 copper block = 9 copper ingots).
► Added the Copper nugget :
• Obtained by using 1 copper ingot in a crafting table (1 copper ingot = 9 copper nuggets).
• Obtained by smelting copper tools in a furnace (1 copper tool = 1 copper nugget).
► Added the Copper block :
• Obtained by using 9 copper ingots in a crafting table (9 copper ingots = 1 copper block).
• Can regenerate (with a Haste I effect) all the players who are very close to this block. Its inspired again by beacon features.
► Ruby Sword added :
• Same craft that other materials but with rubies instead.
• Damages : +7.5
• Durability : 1250
It’s slightly higher than diamond swords (+0.5 damages). For the moment, ruby swords are more powerful than diamond swords because they don’t support enchantments yet, but for the next BetterBedrock’s version, I will create an alternative of “vanilla enchantments” as good as possible
► Copper Sword added :
• Same craft that other materials but with rubies instead.
• Damages : +6.5
• Durability : 220
Note : Other tools (pickaxe, shovel…) will be available when MCBE Addons allow some new block mining components and the possibility to make these new items
Other new blocks and Items :
► Nether Gold Ore added :
• Generated naturally in Nether biomes, mostly between Y=32 to Y=96 layers and near to Zombie Pigmen.
• Drops some gold nuggets and sometimes 1 gold ingot.
► Mud block added :
• Generated very often in rivers and swamps.
• Generated progressively around water lakes and beaches.
• Replaces only dirt and grass in the world generation.
• Obtained by using 9 mud balls in a crafting table (9 mud balls = 1 mud block).
► Mud ball added :
• Obtained by using 1 mud block in a crafting table (1 mud block = 9 mud balls).
► Quicksand block added :
• Generated in desert biomes.
• Can slow, then sink all entities who are on quicksand blocks, except Husks.
It’s a dangerous trap… be careful !
► Spiky block added :
• Every players or Mobs will receive damages when they are on top of this block.
• Can be crafted with 3 cobblestone and 4 iron or copper ingots.
• The texture has a little animation, but in the future, there will be spikes that could come out of this block.
► Hardstone added :
• Replace Bedrock at layers 2-5 and can be minable.
• Useless for the moment but this block will have some interests (for the ore generation).
New Mobs :
► “Alex” Zombie variant added :
• Has approximately the same behavior than classic zombies but has an “Alex”-based texture.
• Deals -0.5 damages than classic zombies.
• Move a little faster than classic zombies.
• It’s a suggestion by some subscribers of BetterBedrock’s creator.
• Represents 50 % of in-game zombies now.
► Infected Zombies variants (Steve and Alex) added :
• Has approximately the same behavior than classic zombies.
• Infect players with a poison I effect of 15 seconds (5s in “easy” mode, 25s in “hard” mode).
• Represents 25 % of in-game zombies now.
► Loop Executor added ( It’s a technical Mob) :
• It’s not a Mob like others (Zombies…), its role is only to execute function commands to make some features working (Mud spawn, Oasis generation…).
• There is always only one Loop Executor on a Map, which spawns in a bedrock cage at Y=255 on top of the Map’s world spawn.
• Please don’t spawn this with egg or summon. If there is zero Loop Executor, you have to use /function reload in order to spawn a Loop Executor correctly.
► Tarantula ( Entity not functionnal ) :
• It’s a big spider that will spawn underground. But I keep this Mob for the future version
New Generated Structures :
► Stalagmites added :
• Generated sometimes in caves of every frozen biomes.
• 3 differents height : 1.5 meters, 2m and 2.5 meters.
• Behaves like an immobile entity which looks like a stalagmite of ice.
• If you broke a stalagmite, it will drop up to 3 ice or packed ice blocks.
► Oasis added :
• Generated rarely in desert biomes, between Y=63 and Y=65 layers.
• Contains a small lake with one tropical fish, one “Palm” tree (it’s a reviewed jungle tree) and grass.
Gameplay Features :
► Dynamic light (works partially) :
• It lights area when a player holds a lantern.
• Having a lantern on hand since 10 minutes, the lantern will be cleared from the Player’s inventory and replaced by 8 iron nuggets.
• In the future, dynamic light will works for most of light sources. Different light sources will be separated into 4 levels of light intensity :
-Very high : Lava, glowstone, lantern, sea_lantern, lit_pumpkin
-High : torch, end rod, enchanting table
-Medium : Redstone torch, Redstone ore, Ender chest
-Low : Glowstone dust, magma, dragon egg
► Temperature (works partially) :
Don’t worry ! It will not makes the gameplay really harder, it’s just small changes in general, but it’s still an indicator to take account
• If you stay a long time in frozen biomes, on ice, snow or frozen blocks, you will get slowness and mining fatigue, then receive some damages, but it’s viable.
• If you stay a long time on hot sources (fire, torch… and even when you have fire resistance effect ), you will get also slowness and mining fatigue, then receive damages.
► If you are in tall grass or sugar cane, you will get a Slowness II effect, but slowness will be ended if you exit tall grasses :
► Dropped saplings from any tree types will sometimes be planted on ground automatically.
► If an entity is on a lilypad, it will be destroyed and dropped.
Useful functions :
► /function vanish : Give infinite invisibility with disabled particles to the player.
► /function night-vision : Give infinite night vision with disabled particles to the player.
► World border functions :
Be careful before using this !
• Create a world border with barrier blocks in your world.
• You need to execute this command in a repeat command block in order to worldborder works.
• Functions corresponding to different world border sizes :
– /function worldborder-20k : for a 20.000 blocks Map size (within world borders).
– /function worldborder-10k : for a 10.000 blocks Map size (within world borders).
– /function worldborder-4096 : for a 4.096 blocks Map size (within world borders).
– /function worldborder-2048 : for a 2.048 blocks Map size (within world borders).
– /function worldborder-512 : for a 512 blocks Map size (within world borders).
• It’s recommended to use in a other repeat command block the /function worldborder-protection command.
► /function reload : Spawn a new cage with a Loop Executor inside. You can use this if you accidentally killed the last Loop Executor.
► /function clear-lags :
• Be careful before using this ! Not recommended for servers/Realms !
• Kills all Mobs without names (which are probably not tamed Mobs) except villagers and some entities (like armor stand).
• Resets all scoreboards.
► /function kill-everyone :
Please use this instead of /kill @e !
• Kills every entities except the Loop Executer.
Balance Changes :
► Improvements on items :
• Stick : Deals +0.5 damage (randomly 0 or +1).
• Flint : Deals up to +2 damages (randomly 0, +1 or +2).
• Blaze Rod : Deals +1 damage.
• Trident (melee usage) : 9 -> 8 damages.
Why I balance these items : -Increasing a little damages for some items because of their sharp form. -The melee damages for tridents is reduced because tridents are too overpowered in melee use unlike throw use.
Note : 1 damage point = 1 half-heart. 2 damage points = 1 full heart.
► Improvements on Entities :
• TNT and Ender Crystal : Reduced explosion radius by 25%.
Reason : Reduce a little griefings in Realm and servers but make Ender crystal more dangerous with fire when destroyed (It will not happens if the gamerule “dofiretick” is disabled)
• Snowball :
-Damages : 0 -> 0.5 (randomly 0 or 1 damages).
• Fireball (from Ghast) :
-Power : 1 -> 1.25
► Improvements on Mobs :
• Baby Mobs :
-HP : -40 %.
-Can now drop some XP.
• Creeper and Charged Creeper :
-Reduced explosion radius by 25%.
• Skeletons and Strays :
-Increased attack delay by 0.5 sec.
-Increased damages by 33 %.
• Spider :
-Can now place 1 spider web every 10 minutes.
-Size : -50%.
-HP : 16 -> 6.
• Cave Spider :
-Can now place 1 spider web every 10 minutes.
-Can now place some spider webs near to players.
-Size : -40%.
-HP : 12 -> 5.
• Slimes :
-Can stick players and give Slowness effect to them for some seconds.
• Silverfish :
-Can affect players with Mining Fatigue for some seconds.
• Endermite :
-Can affect players with Nausea for some seconds.
• Drowned :
-Swim faster.
• Blaze, Witch, Shulker and Evocation Illager :
-HP : +20 % approximately.
• Bee :
-Size : 70%.
-HP : -60%
• Other small balances but not important.
Why I balanced a lot of Mobs ?
I updated these Mobs mainly for gameplay consistency, makes useless Mobs (Silverfishes…) more impressive and innovative, makes the game easier at the beginning of a survival serie, then make the game harder (after entering the Nether, dueling the Wither, adventuring a Ocean monument…).
Credits :
► Addon created by : Floshox (me)
► Some textures designed by :
–Adrien Sama 63
► Discord server for Floshox’s Add-Ons (Worldborder, BetterBedrock…) :
I create this Discord for suggestion, bug reports and more.
Other informations :
-Thanks in advance to give us suggestions, by joining the Discord above.
-If you have a problem (installation, bug…), contact me with the Discord above.
-Sorry for my bad english, because I’m French, but I done some efforts to make a comprehensible documentation, I hope
1 - Click on the link to download BetterBedrock. 2 versions : .mcworld and .zip.
2 - You will be redirected to the BetterBedrock download page (Mediafire), and you can download it.
3 - If the file is compressed in a .zip, you have to extract the .zip, otherwise, if it's directly the .mcaddon file, open it and the addon is installed.
4 - Open Minecraft, create a world, enable the BetterBedrock behavior pack, and resource packs in World's options
5 - Be sure to have enabled EXPERIMENTAL MODE !!!
6 - Be sure to have enabled "cheats" option !
7 - Enjoy
Sorry for low-end devices but you will have some problems, mostly lags. But I advice you to try by yourself, you will maybe have surprises
Normally, it works for every Minecraft Better Edition platforms : iOS, Android, Windows 10, Playstation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.