Download Better Llamas Add-on - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Better Llamas Add-on
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1027 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is another one of my little add-ons made by me (a few months ago, but currently I already know how to finish it) And it brings us much more useful Llamas !!!

Not is necessary to activate the experimental mode for the operation of this add-on

What does this add-on do or what does it work for? 

Well, this add-on improves the ai of the llamas, making them finally useful creatures, and not only game fillers like bats (This add-on also adds that creepers run away from llamas).

1. The llamas are tamed in the same way that in vanilla you only have to feed them with wheat or mount them until they want you.

2. Llamas can now heal life with carrots (but not hay bale, but if they can continue reproducing and accelerate growth og the llamas with the hay bale).

3.The llamas follow the carrot sticks when you mount on them (like the pigs, but if you get off they will not follow the stick) they can also be booted, so you can finally make a llama fence wherever you want to go.

4.Now the leash of the llamas have a great increase in range (up to 24 blocks before breaking) and also the llama that you carry with you, will run faster than before.

5.The llamas that follow the others in the caravan will now avoid straying too far from the one that follows.

6. Now you can ride the llamas without falling over the water (this makes them more useful than horses and donkeys in many cases)

7. Optional (if you have any questions or want to report an error just let me know by comments and if possible I will try to read it;

Ps: My native language is Spanish)

This add-on is compatible with my other add-on Better wild cats:

Announcement: I will bring the full add-on soon (this is only an extension of my original add-on which improves all creatures that can be mounted, I may need help with the strider I have big plans for how to change the model and great part of his ai)

The next add-on will be the extension for the horses (and its derivatives such as donkeys, mules, zombie horses and skeleton horses) Stay tuned…


If you download it in .zip you only have to extract the .zip and take each folder to the corresponding one in the games folder (the one of behaviors where the behaviors and the one of textures where the textures)

If you download it in .mcaddon you only have to open it with the minecraft application so that it is installed manually (and if you already have it configured to open it with minecraft you only have to click on the file and it will install automatically)

I await your comments of your experience with the add-on


