Download BEMZ | The classics (PVP Areana + TnT Run) - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: BEMZ | The classics (PVP Areana + TnT Run)
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 836 - Published at: 5 years ago


The Classics is a minecraft map series that I intend to build thoughout 2020 and includes some of the clssic minecraft minigames. This may include minigames like TNT Run, PVP, Spleef, Eggwars, And bedwars among others.

The Classics is a minecraft map series that I intend to build thoughout 2020 and includes some of the clssic minecraft minigames. This may include minigames like TNT Run, PVP, Spleef, Eggwars, And bedwars among others.

This map has 2 included minigames, TNT Run and PVP areana. They all take place in the same areana and include powerups for tnt run and pvp areana.

PvP Areana is a gamemode based on PvP, this means you will fight people to win. Think of it like a mini-survival games, but you dont choose the loot. The areana is based in a large deserted colosseum and you have found items. The items are:
– Iron Chestplate

– Iron Helmet

– Iron Leggings

– Iron Boots

– Diamond Sword

– Bow (+arrows)

– Golden apple

– Lava + water bucket

These items are given to all players at the start of the game and the lava and water buckets are useful as they can slow down enemys and burn them. Last one standing wins. How do you fight?

TnT Run is a classic minigame where you are placed upon a layer of sand with tnt underneath and you run over pressure plates that sets off the tnt as you run over the sand. Leaving a trail of air behind you. In this gamemode it is all about skill and quick parkour to survive. Last one standing wins.

Powerups spawn in both gamemodes and can do some useful things like:

– give you speed

– give everyone speed

– randomly teleport everyone

but they can also do some bad things:

– give everyone blindness

– give one person blindness

– give someone nausea

These powerups spawn and players walk into them to gain abilities. They can be used passivly to help yourself, or against each other.

The map has been built by hand, with love by BEMZ and FitFuzzball18

Fit is one of my closes friends and is now willing to start helping me make maps.

This means that his name will be popping in and out of new and upcoming maps in the future! make sure to say hi to him on streaming sites such as Twitch!

There are many Minecraft Minigames to build so join me on my expedition to create the largest collection of minigame maps!

Come say hi to me>

Need to report a bug?>

DM me?> @bemzgames on Twitter



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You could also install a skipper, if you dont want to follow those instructions.

The links help me as a creator earn a living off the high quality maps I create with out anyone actually having to dontate directly to me!


