Download Basalt Tunnel Bore - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Basalt Tunnel Bore
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1215 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is my first submission to mcpedl. This is the recreation of Mumbo Jumbo’s Basalt Tunnel Bore.

If you’ve seen the video you should know what this does, but to avoid some headaches of creating a flying machine half under lava lake, I used something that Mumbo is very jealous of…

I’m an amateur redstoner and also a part time builder. But when there’s nothing to do, I tried to build one of these. Took about 2 weeks to get used to and this is not the first one, this is like the fifth but by far this is the most painful to design. 

Here are some tunnel images:

Here it is in all of its glory:

Tunnel design system (I made that up):

Here you can see that I used 2 basalt generators for the top and bottom half.

Then the front is pushed the line of dispensers and soul soil get pulled along (with some delay) then for a brief moment the back part gets pulled along with the line of blue ice and observers to power the dispensers once again (to prepare them to be moved) and loops back, then some pistons that pushes down the bottom part gets into place before the second generator and same story as the first (but there’s no looper).

Now the fun part, the one that designs the top half (Tunnel design system):

It pushes down the outmost blocks then pulls the second outermost to the side alternately then pushes it down.

In this final bit took about 8 hours. Main problem is to pull the second outmost blocks to the side using memory blocks, which is a pain considering the block push limit but I have it done! 

In the video Mumbo made his tunnel and I copied it from what I remember but what I do not copy is the need of lava lakes… Why? Because I can, the advantage of this from Mumbo’s is that this runs as long as you’re patience can handle. Also his design is SOOOO LONG… Which needs like what? Umm like 8 chunks of simulation distance, which my device can’t handle very well and this design works on a 4 chunks simulation distance from any part of the machine.

I’m not sure why but if you want to use this you can just copy it or use some mods or apps.

If you’re to make a video about it I’m fine with that just do couple redesign or mention my name I’ll be thankful.

If you have suggestions for a redstone creation (especially flying machines) comment down below.


