Download Barrier - Items
MC: Barrier
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 978 - Published at: 5 years ago


A barrier is an invisible block which appears transparent, but has mixed properties. All dependent blocks can be placed on a barrier, such as trapdoors or redstone, however, it lets light through and renders adjacent surfaces. The block in the player's inventory shows up as a red box with a slash through it (commonly referred to as a "No" sign), but when placed is completely see-through (similar to that of air). Like bedrock, end portal frames, and command blocks, it is indestructible, meaning that it can only be destroyed in Creative mode. In Creative mode, if a player is holding a barrier block in their hand, all placed barrier blocks display a "No" sign, thus becoming visible and allowing the builder to see placed barrier blocks. But once the player switches to another block in their hand, the "No" signs within the barrier blocks disappear, thus rendering the blocks totally invisible again. This effect is client-side, and if a player holds a barrier block in survival, the "No" signs won't show up. They only show in Creative.

