Download Avrin City (The Tomorrowland, Republic of Avrin) [Creation] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Avrin City (The Tomorrowland, Republic of Avrin) [Creation]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1377 - Published at: 4 years ago


Avrin City includes one big city with several huge skyscrapers and other modern buildings which are fun exploring. It’s still very much a work in progress as there are many open and undeveloped areas, but hopefully those will be populated soon as well. This reason for this update is to adhere to the on-going National Referendum for the 2017 Constitution to be ratified. If you like cities, then Avrin Country has it all!

Creator: Avrin09, Twitter Account
Updated: 12 December, 2017 (read changelog)


Creator’s Note:

This is a minor update for the old map “Avrin Country BETA 1” and to be honest; the main purpose of this map is the on going National Referendum for the 2017 Constitution to be ratified. However, you can enjoy the quite developed city of Avrin. Explore things and you can even join our team to help us develop this map. You can contact us at Twitter @AvrinMinecraft


