Download Automaticraft Add-on (1.16) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Automaticraft Add-on (1.16)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1681 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is a tech-based add-on that adds 6 machines to your world! They run on automation so you need an energy source. This add-on adds new tools to operate the new machines as well.

Crafting recipes!



  • These are used to operate the new machines added by this add-on. It can be used to rotate and resize the operation zones.


  • These are used to remove the new machines, interact with a machine using this item and it will drop.
  • When you the machine has a battery, it will be dropped as empty.

Silicon ingot

  • Crafted from sand and scrap material. It can be crafted from quartz and sand as well.
  • Used to craft most of the items and blocks for this add-on.
  • Can be converterd into a decorative block.

Sylex ingot

  • Crafted from red sand and scrap material.
  • Used to craft lunar components.
  • Can be converterd into a decorative block.

Solar and Lunar panels

  • Crafted from either silicon or sylex crystals.
  • Used to craft the supply box for said generators.

Silicon and Sylex crystals

  • Results from cooking silicon or sylex ingots in a furnace or blast furnace.
  • Used to craft Solar or Lunar panels.


  • Crafted from an iron ingot and an iron nugget.
  • Used to craft most of the items and blocks for this add-on.

Scrap matter

  • A result from interacting using any item with the item shredder.
  • Used to craft silicon ingots and sylex ingots.

Machine chasis

  • Crafted from silicon ingots and iron bars.
  • Used to craft the supplies that provide the machines.


  • Crafted from the stonecutter by placing paper.
  • Used to craft the supplies that provide the machines.



  • These are blocks that are crafted from blueprints, gears, and machine chasis.
  • It drops the machines.

Power canister

  • Crafted from silicon and gears.
  • This is a battery that can be charged by the Solar and Lunar generators.
  • When fully charged, you can interact with any machine from the add-on (except generators) to activate them.

Silicon and Sylex block

  • Crafted from 9 ingots of the same material.



  • You can activate these machines using a fully powered canister, which is the power source.
  • You can use a hammer of any material to remove them. If the device already has a battery, it will drop it as empty.
  • These are the machines that add a function of automation in your minecraft world


  • This machine can mine anything within a 5×5 area in 4 directions.
  • The operation zone can be adjusted using a wrench. Simply interact with it to do so.
  • These are effective for tree, sugarcane, bamboo, and cobblestone farms.


  • This machine can attract any item within a 3/5/7 block radius.
  • The operation zone can be adjusted using a wrench. Simply interact with it to do so.
  • You can use a hopper underneath this machine with a solid block that supports it from a side.


  • This machine is the opposite of the auto-collector. It disperses items within a 3/5/7 block radius.
  • The operation zone can be adjusted using a wrench. Simply interact with it to do so.
  • This machine spreads item in a circular motion, similar to a blackhole but in reverse.

Item shredder

  • This machine is used to shred items that are no longer needed. The junk item has a chance to be converted into scrap matter.
  • To shred an item, the player is required to sneak and interact with it. The item will shredded.


  • These are machines that can charge the power canisters that are almost or completely empty.
  • You can use a hammer to remove them. Simply interact with it to do so.
  • To rotate the charging zone, simply interact with it using a wrench.
  • It takes about 45 seconds to charge a power canister. After the charge period, it will cool down for 15 seconds before charging another batch.

Solar generator

  • This will operate only under day time.
  • Uses silicon crystals.

Lunar generator

  • This will operate only under night time.
  • Uses sylex crystals.

You can also place them!

To place them, use the “Item ground ( Automaticraft )” and interact with any item from the add-on to display them.


  • This add-on is updated to the latest beta.
  • If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
  • Don't use your own link, use the proper link on MCPEDL
  • If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
  • You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish


