Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1129 - Published at: 4 years ago
Hi do you like undertale games? And do you know the king of the monster there??
And do you know the king of the monster there??did you already defeat him kill or spare him?? if yes or not let me introduce him using this add-on
Asgore Dreemurr:
The king of the monster in undertale father of asriel dreemur and lover toriel and also the great king of underground.
Asgore Dreemurr:
health: 2000
damage: 30
speed: 0.30 // become 2.0 if he charge to enemy

Waves of Fire:
this ability can do a lot of damage but the weakness of this ability is just to dodge
damage: 5 per fireball
speed per fire ball : 1.54
gravity 0.0
Fire Pillar
this attack is dodgeable too but not as easy of waves cause of outnumber fireball that will encircle the enemy
damage: 5 pre fireball
speed per fire ball : 1.54
gravity 0.0
Trident Attack
i know this attack doesn’t have the real asgore
but adding this will make asgore not so easy to kill by a player
this add-on is so very to dodge but have a great amount of damage if you try stand near this
Item Needed to Kill Asgore
- enchanted apples-so you can stand agains asgore attack
- enchanted netherite tools (dont use fire aspect it will not work on asgore
- enchanted armors-(projectile,blast protection my guaranteed enchant agains asgore
- potions-(potion that can hurt entity cause asgore is not immune in potions
- bow and arrow with effect(you need this cause sometimes asgore charge in player if you’re nearest to him
- pray haha 😀
turn on experimental gui to make sure add-on will work well
if you dont like the add-on it’s better to get out in here than say anything that can hurt the creator cause we make add-on for free we didn’t ask any favor
please subscribe to my channel
Wracks Gaming
don’t stop chasin dreams 😀