Download Armor Stand - Items
MC: Armor Stand
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 962 - Published at: 5 years ago


Armor Stands are entities that are able to hold and display armor, mob heads, and pumpkins. Armor stands are able to hold armor of different materials, as well as mob heads and pumpkins. Armor stands summoned with arms can also hold anything in its hand that can be held in the players hand except armor, mob heads and pumpkins. The stand does not have a GUI, players interact with it directly. They are also able to be placed in different orientations, similar to banners or signs. Armor stands are entities and they can be pushed by pistons, transported by minecarts, moved by water and bounced by slime blocks. An armor stand can be broken by double-clicking with the left mouse button; at which point it and any armor is dropped as an item.Left-clicking it a single time, or simply watching it can cause it to seem to vibrate up or down, very slightly. Right-clicking it with armor selected will place the armor, if done on a bare spot (arms are not readily recognized). Conversely, clicking on armor with a bare hand will remove the armor, of a given item clicked upon. This is several times quicker than extensive use of the inventory to select, remove, and replace armor, especially when combined with right-clicking while using the appropriate hotbar option.

