Download Apples - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Apples
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2021 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hello, the addons apples add new types of apples to the game, the new apples are based on the minerals of the game, each one has two variants, normal and enchanted, see below more about each one, in the future I intend to bring updates to the addons .

As I will say in the entry above, each apple has two variants, normal and enchanted, the enchantments of enchanted will be said in my minecraft channel on youtube:Carlos gamer473, below you will see each apple, each craft and right at the end the dawnload, have fun


Coal apple

normal / delighted

Iron apple

normal / delighted

Redstone apple

normal / delighted

Lapis lazuli apple

normal / delighted

Emerald apple

normal / delighted

•Powerful apples

Diamond apple

normal / delighted

Netherite apple

normal / delighted

Obsidian apple

normal / delighted

Bedrock apple

normal / delighted


Coal apple (normal)

Coal apple (enchanted)

Iron apple (normal)

Iron apple (enchanted)

Redstone apple (normal)

Redstone apple (enchanted)

Lapis lazuli apple (normal)

Lapis lazuli apple (enchanted)

Emerald apple (normal)

Emerald apple (enchanted)

Diamond apple (normal)

Diamond apple (enchanted)

Netherite apple (normal)

Netherite apple (enchanted)

Obsidian apple (normal)

Obsidian apple (enchanted)

Bedrock apple (normal)

Bedrock apple (enchanted)



So well, that was all about the addons, it will have more updates in the future, to know the enchantment of each apple, pass it on my youtube channel:Carlos gamer473, and follow me on tiwitter:@CarlosG473 it will release espoilers about new addons and updates, then and this, have fun.


Hello, this is a tutorial to install the addons

The file will be in mcpack just click on the file after you have installed it, and you will be directed to minecraft now play and have fun


