Download AlphaBlock Genisis - Minecraft PE Servers
MC: AlphaBlock Genisis
Category:Minecraft PE Servers
Viewed: 916 - Published at: 5 years ago
Server Connect
Server ProtocolPocketmine-MP


AlphaBlock Genisis is a survival SMP server that has tons of plugins for our users to use! We make our players feel welcome with tons of free gifts and commands like /cape and more!

AlphaBlock Genisis is a server that has been requested by many users to be a greif free, friendly survival server that has tons of plugins for users to use for free without paying for ranks! Our server lets you play Minecraft with your friends or just old classic solo survival without lag, greif, or cheating!  Cheating and Greif is a nightmare to us and we try to reduce it and get rid of it completely!  To make sure players don’t Greif we allowed or players to make their own custom claim to any size!  We always have staff online ready to help with a problem or anyone who is abusing our rules! We are online 24-7 and never go down.

