Download Alien Isolation (½) with Alien-Mod - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Alien Isolation (½) with Alien-Mod
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1169 - Published at: 4 years ago


Fan-made Adventure Map based on the videogame developed by Sega 20th. Century etc.

Adventure (Hide and Survive) game with detailed environment, storyline, crafting and scary elements from the Alien-Franchise

This world is the same as “Alien Isolation (first half)” BUT has a completely new Alien Model!

For Pocket Edition only. 

Searching for a lost cargo vessel (Alien Movie) the crew of your spaceship has to access the Sevastopol Space station. But from the beginning there’s nothing as it should be…

  • Clearly structured playthrough for approx. 6 -10 hours
  • 16 x 16 Textures, detailed locations, different lighting. All items are redstone-based systems
  • Stunning Alien from the Xenocraft Add-on by Xeno-corps. I have modified the Add-on a little bit to work much better. You can get the original one here at MCPEDL
  • Ambient soundtrack
  • Only the first half of the actual game… for a ONLY-for-fun-project it takes way too much time to continue
  • Always be aware of your surrounding to continue without problem. For HELP look at the passage below


  • Map, Locations and Storyline: nearly 1:1 with little reduction you may not even notice (only the relationship between Axel and Ripley is very different and reduced)  -more detailed overview at a terminal in the tutorial-seqence IN GAME
  • Crafting system: throw the required items (Compound-B, Ethanol etc.) in front of you on the ground and you get the build item (without Flashbang and Pipe bomb!) + Crafting system without scrab

During the playthrough you will also get:

  • Flashlight (needs Batteries) and Batteries
  • Recordings
  • Blueprints (for five different items)
  • Maintenance Jack
  • Revolver (needs Ammo) and Ammo
  • Motion Tracker
  • Cutting Torches
  • Flamethrower (needs Fuel) and Fuel
  • etc. 

Different map versions:

  • Map completely without mods: “Alien Isolation (first half)” at    –> better for old devices!
  • Map with reduced soundtrack =10MB (and no alien-mod) at    –> better for reduced storage!


If you never watched/played the real game and don’t know how to continue:

  • you could watch the matching parts on YouTube of the ACTUAL GAME. It is literally the same Story. There you will identify how to continue!
  • You can check websites about the real game solution to solve your problem as well. 
  • If you still don’t know how to continue/no time, ask in the comment section.

But if you’re always aware of your surroundings and read all the tasks and dialogues at least in your first play you should have no problem to go on!

For copyright/etc. write to the E-mail given in the tutorial-sequence IN GAME or comment. Comments can last much longer to be answered. 

Good luck and entertainment!


If the Website doesn't do it itself (I think it does it with the .mcworld-download):

1. Unzip .zip (Alien Isolation

2.move the file into the minecraftWorlds folder (games> com.mojang> minecraftWorlds)

3.If there's an folder inside that world-folder-file with the same name (Alien...), move the "Alien..."-folder from inside out of the first "Alien..."-folder. That's the actual World folder. You may have to delete the empty " Alien..."-folder before moving the previously inner folder in the minecraftWorlds folder, because there can't be two folders with the same name next to each other.


