Alex’s Commands is a really useful mod for Minecraft which lets you use more than 35 different commands to control the game. There is a great mix of both fun and useful commands, so hopefully you’ll find some use to them. (It’s limited to Android only!)
Creator: AleXoTroN, Twitter Account
Updated: 7 December, 2017 (1.2.6 support, a few more commands)
Scroll down further down on this page to see all available commands and to find out what each one does.
One of the commands is /nuke which will cause a massive explosion and probably a little bit of lag.
- /heal: Maximum health
- /clock: Shows the current time
- /setspawn: Sets the world spawn to your current location (players who die will spawn here)
- /sethome [NAME]: Set a new homepoint to your current location
- /home [NAME]: Teleport to the different homepoints you set. Don\’t teleport to an homepoint that wasn\’t set!
- /weather [sun / rain / storm / lightning]: Set the weather how you like
- /day: Set time to day
- /night: Set time to night
- /credits: See information about the author of the mod
- /kill: Kills yourself
- /cc: Clear the chat
- /normal: Reset game speed
- /faster: Accelerate the game speed
- /slowmo: Makes all in slow motion
- /xyz: Show current location
- /feed: Fill your hunger
- /nuke: Huge explosion!
- /soon: Features which are coming soon
- /fly [on / off]: Toggle flying
- /gm [1 / 0]: Change your gamemode
- /check: Shows information about PE and the mod
- /remover: You can remove EVERY block with one click (by a special stick)
- /give [ID] [AMOUNT]: Give items
- /settime [TIME]: Set a specific world time
- /xp set [LEVEL]: Set your experience level
- /xp add [LEVEL]: Add experience levels to your current levels
- /v [ON / OFF]: Toggle vanish
- /iteminfo: Shows information about carried item
- /tp [X] [Y] [Z]: Teleport to coordinates
- /wname: Shows the name of the world
- /antioch: A little surprise (WARNING, explosion ;D)
- /mine [fast / reset]: Sets the mining speed
- /hero [LEVEL] [SECONDS]: Set your hero level (healthboost etc.)
- /helimit [HALFHEARTS / off]: Set a minimum heart level (so you can\’t die)
- /hulimit [HALFHUNGERBARS / off]: Same like /helimit but with hunger bars
- /eclear: Remove all effects
- /leave: Leave the game
Important: This mod requires BlockLauncher or a similar app which can load ModPE mods.
Minigame Maps 1.2.1 Seeds 0.8.1 Seeds 0.13.1 Seeds Redstone Maps Simple Texture Packs CTM Maps 0.16.0+ Seeds Android Texture Pack Behavior Pack