Download 818010429: Triple Normal Village - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: 818010429: Triple Normal Village
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 971 - Published at: 5 years ago


Spawns can often be quite boring like on a wide open field with just a couple of trees here and there – it’s nothing too exciting, don’t you agree?

But here’s the kicker:

Sometimes we are lucky finding the spawn gold nuggets and that’s what we want to share with you here today.

In this seed you will spawn in front of a triple village which got all the resources you will need to get started on your journey in Minecraft.

Found by: TelepathicGrunt


Not only does it offer plenty of farms for you to harvest but also some fun views like this one where it looks like a farm has been generated on the side of/in a house.


The village is quite big as it’s a triple village so there are plenty of areas to explore.

screenshot-2015-04-08-12-03 screenshot-2015-04-08-12-03_2

In the village furthest away you will find a blacksmith and a chest. In the chest you will find the following items.

  • bread
  • iron ingots
  • iron leggings


Seed: 818010429

