Download 57857190: End City Close to the Central Island - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: 57857190: End City Close to the Central Island
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1139 - Published at: 5 years ago


Here’s a really good seed if you are looking for an easy way to explore the End and an End City. It will require that you are in creative mode seeing as some of the traveling will require blocks and items which otherwise would have been extremely difficult to obtain just at spawn. It’ll take no more than 5 minutes to get there assuming you are in creative mode.

Found by: Enderplayer611

How to find the End City?

Going to the End requires an End Portal. There are a few different ways you can do this. If you are in creative mode then you can get the necessary blocks and items in your inventory. If you are in survival mode then you need to find a stronghold structure which includes an End Portal room.

  • 12 End Portal Blocks
  • 12 Eye of Ender

Once you’ve arrived to the End you will find yourself in a small room on a huge floating island. Just above from where you are there are lots of endermen and an ender dragon flying around.

Find the area as seen in the image down below and then fly straight ahead for a length of 200-300 blocks.

Quite soon you should reach some floating land masses. And then just a little further ahead an End City.

There are more of them around this area but here’s proof of at least one End City.

Seed: 57857190

